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Book Program 'Amapatxa', with the aim of helping the Amazon community of Shipibo-Konibo

  • Ion Brakamonte, a musician and professor at Zumaia Unanue, traveled almost all of America for two and a half years (2018-2021), from Argentina to the United States. Amapatxa that collects the experiences of the trip. To launch the book Amets bat, bide bat has launched crowdfunding. "Orphans from the Amazon Community of Peru who were orphaned by the Pandemic and projects for the empowerment of women in it."
Kene Nete proiektuko partaide batzuk. Argazkia: Kene Nete

06 October 2022 - 15:11

The book has been written since the two and a half years of his journey through America. Through the experience of going through thirteen countries, "I want people to see what different ways of life are out of here and how they can live with fewer things," Baleike explains in the middle. The book is being retouched and, in the meantime, it has launched a collection to take forward the book project through a crowdfunding platform. It was approved by the Deputy of Gipuzkoa within the Piztu Meta programme, so that for every euro raised, the Deputy will contribute one more euro.

Cover of the book

It will devote the benefits of the project to orphans from the Amazon community of Shipibo-Konibo. "The growing weakness of the Amazon and the practice of massive tree stems make it harder and harder for residents, including animals, to get food. This has increased poverty, diseases are emerging that did not exist before, and the pandemic has hit communities enormously. Many children have been orphaned because they have left the pandemics without family," says Brakamonte. The other objective of the project is to help the women of the community through the Kene Turner initiative promoted by Alianza Arkana, contributing financially to the art, design, fashion and communication projects they create. "For young women to continue their studies and be able to earn a living from their art, and not only do they seek to survive their threatened culture, but they seek to empower themselves."

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