Work will take place between 31 July and 26 August in the DDA and all types of work are foreseen. The Amman Commune network explains that it is advisable to be ready for work for at least three days.
The international meetings will be held from August 27 to September 2 and the premiere of Ambazada will take place. “The Ambazada building will be a meeting place for struggles, cultures and peoples from all over the world,” says the self-managed network. It is explained that representatives of many territories will be present at the meetings, that they will review the social struggles of history and that they will also talk about oppressed peoples.
If you want to register in the field or in meetings, write to the following address:
The ZAD is an occupied area that for 40 years in Brittany has resisted the plan of organization of the airport that they wanted to build in the area of Notre Damme des Landes. In January the airport project was cancelled by the French government and at that time French Prime Minister Edouard Philipp declared that “illegal occupants” must leave before spring or will be expelled.
In the spring, the ZAD, administratively, politically and police, suffered a severe attack by the French government. Thousands of police officers have destroyed a third of the living areas, have been there for a long time and have suffered many injuries.
After the long-awaited victory against the airport project, we’re trying to get out of a violent spring. Two periods of expulsion mark the time when the government has tried to avenge the ZAD, which has been an outrage for so many years. These mass police operations have resulted in the destruction of one-third of ZAD ' s living areas, resulting in a prolonged military presence and many injuries.But the state has had to give up going forward. With tens of thousands living thanks to the resistance that has been carried out in the same place, external associations and the negotiation process, the common areas remain in place, as well as the actions that the movement continues in most of the lands.
In the meantime, what we have managed to retain so far may soon be attacked again administratively, politically and/or militarily.At the time when the ZAD takes care of its wounds, being reconstituted, re-started in the field and in the construction works, we have focused on the struggles of the coming months.Many other struggles that overcome us and take us around the world.To attach ourselves to the right to live freely on this earth are struggles, to establish ourselves in the question of the nation-states that oppress the peoples, as well as the borders that artificially divide us, are linked to the collective and respectful use of the land, to the sharing of those that we have in common or in the raft, to the recovery of housing, to the possibility of producing and exchanging liberated market barriers, to the different forms of self-organization in the territories that are in struggle...
After two years of different periods of work and due to the new one in the neighborhood next summer, the week between the 27th and the 2nd of September of Agorrila, will be the premiere of Ambazada. Ambazada is a building that will be a meeting place for struggles, cultures and peoples involved from all over the world, among others.Because to celebrate the entrance of the right house, it was necessary to call for a new intergalactic week.
Conferences, meetings and concerts will be held on the occasion of this week, as well as the premiere of the building through a huge popular dance.
The programme group has proposed a number of key themes for the meetings:
- Towards the end of the week, representatives of the different territories in struggle will be invited to a three-day meeting: Wendland (Germany), the free neighbourhood of Christiania (Copenhagen, Denmark), Lentillères (Dijon, France), Errekaleor (Basque Country) or the occupied neighbourhood of Sant’Ermet in Italy.
A look at some of the social struggles in history: The Italian revolutionary movements of the 70’s; the autonomous German movements of the 80’s; the English ecology radical movements of the 90’s; the riots of the French parties of 2005-2006, from the anti-CPE movement to the present.
- The meeting between some oppressed peoples to talk about the politics of assimilation of the culture suffered: Mapuche, Chiapas, Kurdistan, Catalonia, Basque Country.
Ambazada, on the other hand, is still standing and is still in the situation that left the neighborhood at the end of March. This summer’s work will run from July 31st to August 26th. The idea is to limit the number of participants in the camp to 20 to 30 people a day in order to guarantee a good advance of food, sleeping camps and works. People will be asked to secure at least three consecutive days for construction work when registering for the job. Since some works require knowledge, to ensure that someone learns a work and carries it forward for at least three days, also to transmit it to those who follow it. Because the goal is to have Ambazada ready for the final premiere of Agorrila.
Stand the insulation of the North Fork and make the emplacement ; finish the external bolt emplacements of all the walls ; install the electrical installations ; prepare and place the internal clay emplacements ; assemble windows and doors ; make and assemble the wooden structures for the kitchen, storage, staircase and interior floor ; organize the natural well for the washing of dirty waters...
To participate: Whether you’re in the neighborhood to participate in the intergalactic week, or to ask for more details, registration is open from today:
Notre-Dame-des-Landes-ko ZAD Defendatu Beharreko Eremuaren inguruan liburua argitaratu du Iñaki Etxeleku kazetariak: “ZAD, bizi dutenen ahotik”. ZADaren inguruan dabiltzan profil ezberdineko pertsonei egindako elkarrizketetatik abiatuta idatzi du liburua.
During the riots between the gendarmes and the activists, at the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes, a young man lost his hand. The defendant, in its entirety, has been exploited by a grenade lawfully used by the police. I thought about how hard it can be to put and hold... [+]
In the small town in the area of Nantes, known as NDDL, for 50 years it has fought against an airport project, especially in the last decade. Starting in 2009, the defense of the environment and of local farmers was joined by the problem of climate change and, in general, the... [+]