"In the End era, we're not just going to talk about history. In Amaiuraldia we are going to write the story," said the organizer Nafarroa Berriz Altxa. On June 5, Amaiur and Elizondo met to live an "unforgettable" and "historic" moment: "[Taking advantage of the 500th anniversary of the Battle of Amaiur] to realize the wave for the sovereignty of the future."
At 11:30 an event will be held in Amaiur, followed by three kilometres of march to Elizondo. The festival will be present with the concerts of Trikidantz and Madame Birrots, among others.
Buses have been organized from all over Navarre to the town of Amaiur. A website has also been created with the intention of extending all the details.
Immersed in the war against the community lords and churches, in 1521, Castile obtained the help of his brother-in-law Enrique de Navarra II.ak, King Francisco I of France, to recover the kingdom of Navarre invaded, conquered and occupied nine years earlier.
Parents Enrike... [+]
Memoria eta aldarrikapen eguna izan da larunbatean Amikuzeko hiriburuan. "Sekulan baino gehiago, gure izanetik aurkitu indarraz, bihar gu girena hazi", izan dira Zabalik elkarteko presidentearen hitzak, Nafarroa Bizirik eguneko ekitaldi ofizialean.
The ideological heirs of the conquerors of the Kingdom of Navarra are today the political parties that manage means such as patriarchal intellectual production and EITB. These heirs continue with the colonization process of Navarre, distorting historical contexts and negating... [+]
The castle of Amaiur (1522), in Baztán, was the last strength of the resistance against the Spanish conquest of the Kingdom of Navarra. The rebels, with their courage, also dominated the kingdom of Spain, challenged by their hearts, sought to rise up against the... [+]
You will easily see Spaniards of a certain age who want to underestimate or reduce the severity of something: “More was lost in Cuba,” recalling the loss of the remains of the colonial empire in 1898. Hungarians also have a similar expression, which is used in the same sense... [+]