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Amaia Pérez Orozco and Silvia Piris: "For us, changing the questions is the key to starting to think about a new world."

  • Market or life? It's not just any question. Feminist economist Amaia Pérez de Orozko and feminist researcher and researcher Silvia Piris Lekuona were at the Etxelila de Ondarroa. Both work in the group feminisms, thought and action.

07 December 2018 - 09:47

Collective XXK You have created a group called feminisms, thought and action.

Amaia Perez de Orozco (A.P. ): Yes, but we are not a militant collective, nor a political organization. It's been a kind of adventure. We made it up of three friends, including Silvia and Biok. We create it with the intention of living somewhere, of being a slave to wages, but in the most coherent way possible. We have continued to do what each of us did on his own, but together. This system forces us many times to work in solitude, and it is clear to us that, in the form we have chosen, it will be easier and more beautiful. In any case, just over a year ago we started this journey.

Silvia Piris Lekuona (S.P. ): From feminism we make alternative proposals, always in the broadest sense of the word. We believe that Feminisms today are essential to imagine another world. However, feminism has to work together with agents who work in food sovereignty or in ecology, for example, we want to get infected with them. We have defined five lines of work, some related to theory and others to practice. In fact, we want to research for transformation and to do so it is essential to go with the practice of teorí a.Por other side, we also perform training sessions, but we do not understand training in a single direction, but the objective is to learn from the knowledge of all. Finally, we also offer a form of support or advice to groups. We believe that the challenge of leftist, transformative and feminist groups is to do things differently today; our task is to get out of the dynamics of production and patriarchal dynamics.

And how do you do it from day to day?

A.P. : Feminism has been able to take advantage of concrete lives. Binarism is constructed by the system, the woman-man, the work-care... there are structures that build this concrete life. However, these concrete lives have spaces for maneuver, opposition or reconstruction of the Status Quo. It lets us build a feminist agency that doesn't mean you're free to do anything. That is why we believe that the key to feminism is to become aware of the difference between the great structure and everyday life and to use this space of agency from feminism, collectively. That is why we believe that today we are not allowed to live well because we are accomplices to the system. They sell us dreams that are impossible to come true, and even though they're true, we still don't live well, because those dreams are deconstructed. That is where all the criticism of consumerism lies. For women, for example, they sell us consumption to live well, romantic love and motherhood.

sports club It's a Continium. A trap we've been wanted to sell. We have been told that macroeconomics is inapprehensible and that we should talk about small things. So we have to create spaces for finding connections between macroeconomics and those little things, and not just in terms of impact, that's also known when we're talking about the resistances that are facing those impacts. We have to look at these links.

A.P. : For example, we have the division of labor, there's a structure there. For starters, there is paid and unpaid work, one is called work and the other is not. So when we talk about housework, we're also talking about structure. When the greatest burden of work in the home falls on women, it is not to say that in their case the woman does it because you have agreed to it, because you have more time or anything else. It's no coincidence that you become a woman, it's part of the structure. Rejection or resistance is part of your agency. However, you will realize that the distribution of unbalanced jobs is not just in your home, but in the entire economic system. And that is that that economic system needs a lot of invisible work for the system to stay. If no one takes care of the monitoring tasks, it is impossible to apply cuts in public services, otherwise this macro-economy could not be balanced.

It is said that there is a crisis of care. An example of this are the struggles of recent times: pensioners, March 8, workers in nursing homes…

sports club : This crisis is not yet another crisis. This is a systemic crisis, the reproduction of life and the planet itself are in crisis. Depending on where we focus, we are aware that in this world there is no room for everyone and more and more people are being left out of this model. Many people say that the times of fascism are coming or have come. As a result of this systemic crisis, our lives are not as stimulating either. We have a very low level of democracy and that democracy cannot respond to the needs of the people. We believe that many of the latest mobilisations respond to that, such as that of 8 March.

A.P. : We are facing a critical time of struggle. People live badly, and that creates discomfort. So far we have always been sold here that everyone can get what they want. We've been led to believe that we can be successful professionals, freeze our eggs and, after a successful career trajectory, maintain our femininity and be mothers. So not only do we not fit in this world, but we don't have time to fit in this world. People have realised that and that has created discomfort. So we have two options: if we don't fit all of us, we either leave out -- that is, for example, the strategy of Donnald Trump, of the PP, of Bolsonaro or of Salvini -- or we build a world where we all fit.

How important are trade unions in building sustainable lives?

A.P. : We believe that changes are also taking place in trade unionism. The most classic syndicalism is not giving successful answers; it does not move us the way feminism moves us. In fact, feminism is being one of the few people today who are attracting people and proposing something new. That is why I believe that this mix of feminism and unionism is necessary. That is where, for example, the workers in the residences of Bizkaia, the so-called Las Kellys, or the women engaged in housework are being scrapped. In those struggles we see that we are slaves to wages in this system, but we fight for a life and for a dignified life that we don't care about wages bakarra.Bizitza. In this area, those who are most successful in the world of trade unionism are the ones who are inventing with that speech.

They say we're slaves to pay, but today, having a job doesn't get you out of being poor.

A.P. : This is the American model, the American model and the European model that we had always differentiated. In Europe it seemed that work offered you a dignified life, today all that is changing.

On more than one occasion they mention the importance of changing the questions.

sports club : How to live habitable lives? That is the question. We will not all sit in the village square to answer this question, although it would not be a bad idea, but we do believe that we should answer that question, always from concrete lives. I think the question we have to ask is not what to do for women to enter the system that excludes us, because we not only want a part of the cake, we want to change the whole recipe of the pastel.Tenemos than to change the questions and not in a philosophical frame, but in the small field of life: How do I feed myself? Where do I consume? how do I manage the surveillance work? And all those who are trying to give new answers to these questions, we should put them in value and continue with the wrapping work.

A.P. : As Silvia says, I think the questions that have been asked so far have not been neutral. For example, if you are going to have collective bargaining in the trade union area and your only wish is to raise wages, it does not change any questions. That would be to say: Stop looking at the empty wage and prioritize other things. In this way, we will start to think about what more things we need to live well: conciliation, canteens, day care, time management… What can we do to live better? For us, changing the questions is the key to starting to think about a new world.

This review has been published by Klitto! And we've brought it through the Creative Commons license.

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