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Amaia Iturriotz Etxaniz wins Lasarte-Oria session

  • This Sunday the second session of the Bertsolaris Championship of Gipuzkoa was held at the Casa de Cultura Manuel Lekuona de Lasarte-Oria. Iturriotz has achieved the highest number of points and will therefore be in the quarter-finals of the Championship of Couples. The next appointment will be next Saturday in Lazkao.
Artikulu hau egilearen baimenari esker ekarri dugu.

16 September 2024 - 10:30

The Bertsolaris Championship of Gipuzkoa had its second appointment this Sunday at the Casa de Cultura Manuel Lekuona de Lasarte-Oria. As in the first session, in the second the room has been overcrowded and hot: all the tickets have been sold. These are the six bertsolaris that have acted in Lasarte-Oria:

  • Aitor Zubikarai Salegi
  • Amaia Iturriotz Etxaniz
  • Aner Peritz Manterola "Euzkitze"
  • Iñigo Mantzizidor Larrañaga
  • Manu Goiogana Bengoetxea
  • Oier Etxeberria Zubimendi

After the completion of the work, Amaia Iturriotz Etxaniz has added the most points: 490.5. The Derbi de Irun will therefore be played live, on 27 October. The session scores were as follows:

  • Amaia Iturriotz Etxaniz ----------------------------------------------- 490.5
  • Aner Peritz Manterola "Euzkitze" ----------------------
  • Oier Etxeberria Zubimendi ---------------------------------------- 467
  • Manu Goiogana Bengoetxea ------------------------------------- 466.5
  • Iñigo Mantzizidor Larrañaga "Mantxi" ---------------- 460.5
  • Aitor Zubikarai Salegi -------------------------------

Haritz Alberdi Alberdi.Han acted as the following judges: Bakarne Urreaga Etxeberria, Eneritz Azkue Basurko, Iñigo Legorburu Arrangi, Jon Diaz de Mendibil Sarasti and Zigor Leunda Eizmendi. As secretary-general, Aratz Irazustabarrena Garmendia has been presented.

Next week the following sessions of the Bertsolaris Championship in Gipuzkoa will be held: Lazkao, 21 September and Elgoibar, 22 September. Tickets, as always, are available on the website

You are interested in the channel: Gipuzkoako Bertsolari Txapelketa 2024
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Andoni Rekondo Izagirre wins first session
The Urretxu Labeaga room has hosted the first elimination of the eighth finals of the Bertsolaris Championship in Gipuzkoa 2024. With the victory, Rekondo has ranked the quarter-finals of the King’s Cup. Tomorrow will be the next match of the eighth finals, on the fronton of... [+]

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On 14 September the Bertsolaris Championship of Gipuzkoa kicks off in Urretxu
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