Thus, when the demonstration entered the Back Street, for example, the attention of the people was drawn to the banner that demanded their freedom.
Another of the hot spots of the demonstration was the pre-barracks. Screams and whistles loudly as we get there, and a stop at the front of the barracks.
In front of the headquarters, a dozen people from the Association of Victims of Terrorism AVT, with a banner that read Truth, Memory, Dignity and Justice, Spanish flags behind and photos of eight Civil Guards killed by ETA in the region in hand.
Between them and the demonstrators, the Borderlands, as well as some citizens, with papers upstairs, asking the people to ignore those who were in front of them, in order to avoid clashes.
The demonstration stood in front of the barracks for several minutes and then proceeded on its way. The people of the AVT session greeted the march with cries for the Civil Guard and Spain.
The Fan From Here Day demonstration ended with an event held in front of the institute and composed of dance and symbolism. Remembering the young people of Altsasu and the demand that the Spanish and French police forces, south and north, abandon the Basque Country.
Video summary of the demonstration:
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