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The Civil Guard suspends the Change Script initiative for the implementation of the Moorish Law

  • The law requires permission to bring together more than 20 people, an initiative that has been punished by the concentration of 22 people on 25 April in Alsasua. The script has denounced that this is a law to “prevent political participation”.
Aldatu Gidoia Euskararen Aldek Altsasun emandako prentsaurrekoa. Argazkia: Aldatu Gidoia

01 July 2024 - 13:27
Last updated: 15:17
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

At the press conference held on 25 April in Altsasu, a demonstration was held on 18 May in the Plaza de los Fueros de Vitoria-Gasteiz. They called on the Basque Government to “put Euskera at the centre, beyond EiTB, in cultural policies, in EiTB, in film and on platforms”. The Civil Guard has fined one of the members of Gidoi.

The Civil Guard alleges that the Moorish Law was violated by considering that in the photos shared by the initiative through social networks there are 22 people and no permission was requested, and that the law establishes that over 20 people should be asked for permission. The Gidoia project has denounced the fine, claim that it is a resource to "prevent participation in politics" and have stressed that they will continue to claim "policies whose axis is the Basque".

History of the Mordaza Law in Altsasu

In July 2022, the Civil Guard of Alsasua condemned Eider Garde, spokesperson for the 0-3 platform of Navarra, for the Mordaza Law. Garde was charged with being "responsible for the illegal concentration" and informed him that José Luis Arasti Pérez received "a fine of between 100 and 600 euros for violation of the Organic Law of Citizen Security".

Eider Garde pointed out that it was no coincidence that the reported person was the same. “If the one who gave the order thinks they’re going to close our mouths to me and others like me, it’s very wrong,” said the spokesman for the platform 0-3.

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