The decision of the High Court of Justice of the Spanish State is already firm and the parents of the girls of Alsasua have expressed their "indignation, anger, impotence and anger" before the media. At a press conference they made it clear that, with this ruling, "if they wanted to adorn the injustice, they have not succeeded".
The case was withdrawn from Navarra, on behalf of anti-terrorist legislation, according to the Public Prosecutor’s Office. The parents, along with the promoter Askatasuna, have recalled that the final decision does not speak at all of the term "terrorism", but rather that it is a "rigid judgment that maintains the assembly".
The trial lasted three years and thanked the "solidarity" felt during this time and announced a concentration to "deal with injustice": On 26 October at the Pamplona Hearing at 17:00. Prior to this, a cycling tour will take place that will travel the streets of Alsasua until reaching Pamplona/Iruña.
Being a firm decision, it opens up the possibility of revisions and grades requests. This will make it possible for young people to occasionally leave Zaballa prison. Parents have no doubt: "This case will end in Strasbourg, if we have to go to Mars we will go. We have no doubt that in Strasbourg it will be known that the Spanish State has committed an injustice."
Giza Eskubideen Europako Auzitegiak ez du aintzat hartu Altsasuko gazteek epaiketa bidezkoa izan zuten aztertzeko eskakizuna. Auzipetutako gazteetako batek, Iñaki Abadek, eman du jakitera berria.