The dawn of Santa Águeda, when the Quintos de Alsasua celebrate their big day, an event occurred that the Civil Guard itself has described as mild. Apparently, according to the official account of the facts, a group of young people crossed several containers on the road. When the Civil Guard appeared on the spot and tried to identify four people, a young man was denounced for lightly assaulting one of the agents. The official note does not indicate whether the young person was arrested or not at that time, so his identity is unknown. Events did not go any further. Apparently, the staff member had no serious injuries, but at 12 noon he was informed that he had been treated by the health staff and that he had been discharged.
For La Razón, on the other hand, it is the "Altsasu II case", which states that there was an ambush. "The proetarras are once again assaulting the Civil Guard in Alsasua," they say in the headline of the news, publishing a photo in which dozens of hooded people appear. According to La Razón, two agents were "assaulted by about twenty Basque people around them" and were arrested by the National High Court. According to the journalist, the GC patrol found a barge of containers in which, when they went to remove it, "fifths" appeared that began to throw objects from a group of about 20 people. "They didn't know (the agents) that it was an ambush," says the newspaper La Razón. In addition, "they swooped over one of those who managed to throw him to the ground while kicking him in his back," the prosecutor said. The Civil Guard has denied that this is happening in its official communiqué, in which the complaint is also included. The Reason has advanced that arrests are not ruled out.
Other Spanish media, such as Cope or ABC, are reporting on this version of what has happened.
The Civil Guard itself, for its part, has denied that the facts have been classified as an "attempt at lynching." "It is not necessary to take away the importance of an agent's aggression," they have explained from the body, but this type of aggression occurs unfortunately on public holidays throughout Spain," they published in La Vanguardia citing the Guardia Civil.
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Mujeres RTVE plataformak, zeinak Espainiako Estatuko komunikabide publikoko emakumezko langileak biltzen dituen, korporazioaren baitan ematen den informazioaren manipulazioa salatzeko kanpaina bat abiatu du sarean #AsíSeManipula traolarekin. Komunikabide... [+]