The Tour Alternatiba travelled Maule, Ainitze and Ezpeleta, where nearly 80 bicycles awaited him in the capital of Zuberoa. Then you will arrive in San Sebastian: Climate activists will take a tour from Plaza Catalunya to Plaza Gipuzkoa starting at 18:00. In addition, an exhibition will be installed throughout the day in Gipuzkoa Square in the Guipuzkoan capital.
There are more than twenty agents in Donostia, including the anti-incineration movement, the neighborhood movement against the Satorralaia metro, the transformative economy network Olatukoop or the unions ELA, LAB and Steilas: “To stop climate change, you need more than green paint. In this regard, we denounce that the incinerator of Zubieta and the San Sebastian Metro are serious misunderstandings,” the note states.
30,000 people in Baiona during the weekend
The Donostiarra appointment will be a prologue to which you will live in Baiona this weekend, as the Tour Alternatiba will end in the working capital. This is exactly where the first edition of Alternatiben Herria was held in 2013 and from there the 2015 Tour started.
On Saturdays, at 17:00 in the afternoon, the reception of the cycling march will be held, which will gather people from different places. The organization provides for 30,000 people to participate in a comprehensive programme prepared for this purpose.
On Saturday and Sunday there will be more than 50 conferences, meetings and round tables in which more than 200 rapporteurs will participate on energy transition, the feminist economy and waste reduction, among other topics.
In addition, there will be several animation sessions at different points in Baiona: Bertsolaris, dances, songs and children's games. All the programming can be seen here (in French and in part in Basque).
Living in Basque! They have also prepared a program in Basque with talks, animations and testimonies. They will also take the opportunity to promote the Basque Country in November: “We invite you to activate the use of the Basque Country, also with Alternatiba”.
In total, over 1,000 volunteers will work during the weekend in Baiona, Iparralde.
From Baiona to Bilbao: few people could expect that what was seen in Baiona on 6 October 2013 could be repeated two years later in Bilbao on 24 October 2015. I wrote myself in ARGIA: “I am convinced that from now on Alternative Day will be a political reference for the left of... [+]
60.000 pertsona baino gehiagok hartu dute parte Parisen Alternatiba Itzuliak larunbat eta igandean antolatutako ekitaldietan.
Urriaren 24an egingo dute Alternatiben Herria ekimena Bilbon. Finantzaketarako crowdfunding kanpaina jarri dute abian antolatzaileek: 21.050 euro lortzea dute helburu, baina lortu beharreko gutxieneko kantitatea 12.180 euroan jarri dute.
Asteartean Flandriago Gantetik pasa ondoren, asteazkenean Frantziako Estatuko Lille hirira iritsi behar du ekainaren 5ean Baiona eta Donostian abiatu zen Alternatiba Itzuliak. Normandian barrena gero Bretainiarantz jarraituko du kostaz kosta Bordeleraino jaitsita Paris alderako... [+]
Ekainean Baionan hasi eta Pariserako bidea bizikletaz egiten dabil Alternatiba Itzulia, irailaren 26an iristeko. Abenduan ospatuko den COP21 klimaren gailurraren aurrean jendartea mobilizatu nahi dute martxarekin. Fessenheimgo (Frantzia) zentral nuklearrean egindako azalpenen... [+]
Larunbatean, ekainak 13, Tolosatik pasa ostean, Mediterraneora bidean doa Baiona eta Donostian 5ean abiatutako Alternatiba Itzulia. Astelehenean Carcasona (Carcassona okzitanieraz) hiri historiko famatuan ibiliko da, asteartean ukituko du itsasoa Narbonan eta heldu den... [+]
Urriaren 24an Alternatiben Herria egingo dute Bilbon. Euskal Herriko Eskubide Sozialen kartak planteatutako erronka da Alternatiben Herria.
Ostiralean aldi berean Donostiatik eta Baionatik abiaturik, Bizi! eta Attac elkarteek antolatutako Alternatiba Itzulia Paue ondoko Leskarre herrira iritsi zen astelehenean eta asteazkenean, ekainak 10, Banhèras de Bigòrran edukiko du helmuga. 5.000 kilometroz goiti... [+]
Maiatzaren 20an, asteazkena, Bizi! mugimenduak bere kideak bilduko ditu, ekainaren 5ean Baionatik abiatu eta irailaren 26an Parisen bukatuko den Alternatiba Itzuliaren azken albiste eta xehetasunak eskainiz mobilizazio handirako bihotzak berotzeko.
Bizi! mugimenduak 2013ko urriaren 6an Baionan arrakastaz antolatutako Alternatiba (“Alternatiben herrixka”) dagoenekoz Hexagono osora hedatu da. “B” hizki eta guzti, inkluso batzuetan euskal kutsuko tipografia atxikiz, “Alternatiba” izeneko... [+]