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Pamplona and Bilbao call for a fair eco-social alternative

  • The mobilizations were held on 11 May and organized by the Charter of Social Rights of the Basque Country, the World March of Women and the Gune Ecosocialists. Over 60 social actors have joined the mobilisations.
Bilboko manifestazioaren irudia. Argazkia: Ecuador Etxea.

13 May 2024 - 14:46

Rafah, Gaza and Palestine have been remembered in both cities. They are calling for an end to the genocide.

In the manifesto read at the end of the demonstrations, they stressed that “the current situation leads to an increasingly deeper and precarious ecological crisis”. Price increases have denounced difficulties in accessing healthy eating. They demand that public services and the collective right to care be respected. They warn of increased machismo and racism.

The organizers of the demonstrations have grouped their demands into seven axes:

- A habitable planet is needed for all, facing the climate emergency and the ecological crisis.

- You need an economic and social model that puts the lives and not the business and profits of the few at the centre.

- Dignify the work, especially the fundamental work. You have to redistribute wealth, paying more taxes who has the most.

- We do not want to leave vital spaces in the hands of the market. Food sovereignty, telecommunications or energy are basic elements that must be promoted in the public sphere.

- All rights for all people, because we all have the right to a dignified life. We must put an end to machismo, to racism… and to all the axes of oppression and discrimination. Suspension of the Aliens Act.

- No war and military spending, and demilitarize society and the economy.

- Not all these changes are delegable to the market. Sound and democratically built public plans are needed.

The media has received the demonstration of Pamplona and has received the demands of the audiovisual participants.


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