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They start today with a talk about the war in Algeria February in Amikuze Thursday

  • Today, 6 February, the conference cycle Thursday of February of Amikuze, organized by the Zabalik Association since 1997 begins in Donapaleu. The 2020 edition will address the Algerian War, the cases of witchcraft, the old relatives of the Basque Country and the suffering suffered by the Basque community due to linguistic oppression. The conferences will take place in the Donapaleu Commonwealth Hall (Street of the Audience) from 20:30 a.m.

06 February 2020 - 09:39
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

"The adventure started in 1997 by the association Amikuzeko Zabalik, and this year, like every year, will take its copy," said the leaders of the association Zabalik. "Four Thursdays, four conferences, from 8:30 to 11:00 in the afternoon, warmly, including the swallow of the conversation and its pouch. The quotation is organized by the Basque Country and the desire to live in Euskera in the Donapaleu Commonwealth room of the Tribunal Street".

The 2020 programming starts on 6 February with a round table entitled "The Algerian War in the Basque Memory". The festival will be attended by Piarres Aintziart, Xipri Arbelbide and Jean Louis Davant. In the war from 1954 to 1952 to prevent the independence of Algerian nationalists, it is said that some 20000 young Basques participated in the war, passing there a year and a half or two years of military service. 105 Basques lost their lives in that war. "The next generations - they say from Zabalik - have known that they met in their sessions of ex-warriors, who perhaps had moments of piling among them those who could not name anyone. We have also known them, and in most peoples there will have been men who lived sick, and in a low voice it was said: All wars, apart from those of wartime, have enormous consequences in terms of inequality, whether it is brought by victors or by vanity. Because you lose more than you earn, first courtesy, and surely youth. ".

Piarres Aintziart, Xipri Arbelbide and J. Louis Davant has already given his testimony on the experiences of that war. Today, in Donapaleu’s speech, the meeting will be able to hear their stories and reflections through their mouths.

On February 13, Ander Berrojalbiz will offer the conference "Covered window; a process of witchcraft in Amikuzen in 1370": "The process of witchcraft has ever been mentioned about the way of life of the people, beliefs, fears, etc. They're unbeatable windows to discover. In this talk we want to unveil a stuffy window that has been almost forgotten so far: Two documents that form part of the trial of witchcraft held in 1370 against Garrüzen, Pes de Goiti de Ilhar and Condessa de Beheiti. This process, besides being the oldest that has been preserved in the Basque Country, is also of great importance at European level. For example, it is the first judgment that is taken, and has been retained, of the accusation of possessing the capacity to be passed on as an animal; and also the first historical document quoting the word Akelarre in relation to witchcraft, the next one being that of 1450. Among other books, Ander Berrojalbiz publishes "Herejeen alaba."

Famous farmer and singer Eñaut Etxamendi will speak on 20 February about "the children of the Basque Country, their cousins and their askazis". According to the organizers in the presentation, Etxamendi "has been researching, dissecting, probing and reconstructing the insides of our language for the past two decades." It does not see Euskera as an isolated language and, by the comparative method, it has as travelling companions the Ancient Greek and Latin, with whom Sanskrit, Russian and dozens of known and less known languages of Europe or the East live together." He recently published "L'origine de la langue basque".

On the last Thursday of February, journalist Ainize Madariaga will talk about this: "Community hostage; keys to understanding why the Basque community suffers, thanks to a witness," he added. Madariaga, in addition to a journalist, is a diploma in sociology and anthropology and has published the book “The Drowned Community. The trauma of the speaker: diagnosis and palliative”.

In addition to the Thursday of February, Amikuze every year adapts Libertimiento. Donapele's number 16.

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