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The Feminist Movement of Algorta refuses to have prevented the attention of the child who received a puncture at parties

  • Two members of the Algorta Feminist Movement investigate the Ertzaintza in the belief that they prevented a 16-year-old girl who was punctured at the Puerto Viejo festivities. The defendants, on the contrary, have shown their astonishment at this complaint, as they have stressed that they were the first people to accompany the victim and that, in addition to activating the protocol agreed for the parties, they followed the guidelines of what was agreed between the Basque Government and the Ertzaintza.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

17 August 2022 - 13:17
Algortako Mugimendu Feministak uko egin du jaietan ziztada bat jaso zuen adingabea artatzea eragotzi egin izana (argazkia: Hiruka)

The Department of Security of the Basque Government has expanded that two members of the Feminist Movement prevented the Ertzainas from taking care of the battered girl, and therefore accuses them of a serious crime of disobedience: “The agents insisted that the victim was waiting for an ambulance to be taken to the hospital, but both of those responsible continued to obstruct police work and prevented the Ertzaintza from accompanying the girl to the ambulance area.”

However, the feminists say that when the assaulted girl approached, they took the child to a safe environment and called 112, following the protocol, to ask for an ambulance to approach. From there, as they have continued, they were directed to the Ertzaintza to respond to the case and, as a result of the inability to access the ambulance to the festive area, both sides agreed, together with the ertzaina, that one of the women who attended the assaulted would accompany the latter to the emergency services.

The incidents occurred last Sunday, at 01:05 a.m., and SOS Deiak received a call from one of the members of the Feminist Movement for a 16-year-old girl in the festive enclosure to receive a puncture in her arm and warn of her malaise and request an ambulance. Then, the feminists report on what happened to the mother of the child and that they would continue to report on the situation.

Thus, following what was agreed with the Ertzaintza, and thinking that going to the ambulance was “urgent”, when they were going there, “he approached five or six men in street clothes, very violently, trying to move the victim to the health services”. The Feminist Movement regretted that only one of them was identified as a police officer.

Finally, along with one of the members of the party commission, the police helped the minor to the ambulance. However, they also approached her to learn about the situation of the person cared for by two members of the Feminist Movement and communicate it to her mother. At that time, as they regretted, two Ertzaines appeared in street dresses and identified the activists, arguing their refusal to collaborate with the Ertzaintza.

In this sense, in the note published by the Ertzaintza, states that “when they approached the site, both responsible prevented the Ertzainas from caring for the young woman, making sure that the txosna had its own protocol of action in the face of stings”. In view of this, the members of the Feminist Movement have emphasized that they activated the protocol, yes, but also that of the Basque Government, and that is why they called 112 “as the protocol requires”.

For all this, the Feminist Movement of Algorta does not understand where the problem is, “because we call 112, because we call the mother and we coordinate everything with the Ertzaintza and with the emergency services.” Thus, members of the Feminist Movement request that the report issued by the Ertzaintza and the Department of Security and the allegations against two of its members be withdrawn. They also announced that in order to clarify the information disseminated, a press conference will be held tomorrow Wednesday on the Puerto Viejo stairs at 18:00 hours.

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