The German Industrial Confederation (BDI) notes that “drought and low river water levels threaten the security of supplies to industry” and that “companies are preparing for the worst”. According to economists, the possibility of a delay has increased, as the media El País has pointed out.
According to the BDI, “it is a matter of time that plants in the chemical or steel industry have to be disconnected, that mineral oils and construction materials do not reach their destination or that some heavy-duty transports cannot be carried out”.
Some experts believe that Germany will be delayed, proof of this is that this year it has had the lowest trade surplus it has had in the last 23 years, due to the increased oil and gas. In Germany there are several problems related to the economy, such as high inflation, disruptions in energy supply and in the necessary goods the bottleneck (when the demand for a product or service is higher than that which can be given). If you add to all this the low water levels of the rivers due to the drought, which is hampering the transport of various materials, there are economists who believe that Germany is in crisis.
Berlinen martxoaren 8an izandako manifestazioa gogorki erreprimitu du Poliziak. Palestinaren aldeko aldarriak zeramatzaten manifestariek. Agintariek Alemanian arabierazko abestiak eta diskurtsoak debekatu dituzte manifestazioetan, "segurtasun publikoko" arrazoiak direla... [+]
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Sozialdemokratek inoizko emaitzarik kaskarrenak lortu dituzten arren, litekeena da demokristau kontserbadoreekin elkartzea eta gobernua osatzea. Botoen %28,5 jaso ditu CDUk, eskuin muturreko AfDk %20,7 eta SPDk %16,4.
Porzheim, Germany, February 23, 1945. About eight o’clock in the evening, Allied planes began bombing the city with incendiary bombs. The attack caused a terrible massacre in a short time. But what happened in Pforzheim was overshadowed by the Allied bombing of Dresden a few... [+]