While the PSOE and ERC are negotiating the formation of a new government in Spain and the Generalitat has also started looking for loopholes to negotiate with Madrid, the Catalan CoR’s have made public a critical document. The citizen platforms that emerged in defence of the republic proclaimed after the referendum of 1 October 2017 have recalled the “clear demand” that the outcome of that consultation expressed, which has not entered into force at present.
“For more than two years we have created people’s power and that has allowed us to attack the regime,” they said. The CoR has also claimed that the citizens' response to the judgments handed down against the leaders of the independence process has been "an exercise of self-determination as a people". “In the mobilizations we are demonstrating that a single government or a single institution cannot have the will and determination of the Catalan people.”
In view of these premises, given the possibility of the Generalitat and the Spanish State speaking, the CoR have made three constants: on the one hand, they have stated that no negotiation can be made until there is amnesty for all political prisoners, while the exiles do not return and the “ideological persecution” against independence is not interrupted.
For its part, the CoR considers that it should acknowledge the outcome of the referendum of 1 October 2017 and the “will of the people” to be independent of the Spanish State. Finally, they recalled the history of the agreements reached with the Spanish Government to demand that the negotiations be conducted through an international intermediary to ensure transparency.
“These conditions are not met and, therefore, in this bargaining exercise we see fraud, insult and contempt for all the Catalan people and for democracy in general”, they have concluded. “Let us not let repression divert us from the path of independence.”
Iragan otsailaren 23an, 1981eko Espainiako estatu kolpe saiakeraren urtemugan, Kataluniako Auzitegi Nagusiko sarrera sinbolikoki blokeatzeagatik atxilotu zituzten auzipetuak. Fiskaltzak bi urte eta erdi arteko kartzela zigorrak eskatzen dizkie.