"Nobody will move from the PNV. Nobody is going to take us where we don't want, but we're not going to take us to Basque society where we don't want." This was said on Sunday by the President of the Euzkadi Buru Batzar, Andoni Ortuzar, in Foronda (Araba), on Party Day celebrated by the PNV. Thousands of people have been cited in the 47th edition.
He says that it is a "complex" political era, that we live less in the community and that there is more individualism. In the words of the Ortuzar, this situation favors "populism" and "constricting", but emphasizes that the PNV is entitled to "re-illusion". "The PNV has heard what citizens have said in recent months, both those who have led us to be the first force at municipal and foral level, and those who have taken care of not going to vote."
"It is time to get out of the comfort of the batzokis", "to open up to new realities and references". For the Basque Country to follow its path towards self-government and progress, it has underlined the "real" progress, and not the one that is claimed "in any way", because the opposition speaks "easily".
The president of EBB says that his genes in DNA have led PNV to "lead" this nation. The drawing that represents the DNA chromosome has the form of a chain and with it has also represented the chain of the PNV, which says that "it has not been interrupted." These genes say that in history there are actions of people who were members of the PNV. Among them are Agirre, Arzallus, Ibarretxe and Urkullu.
Spanish democracy, "sick"
Ortuzar stressed the need to "strengthen" the democracy of the Spanish Government, "to strengthen and prestigious the institutions, to give stability to the system and to make our democratic level as the European". He says that on this road will be the PNV, and expresses his willingness to collaborate with other parties and social entities. He has especially wanted to extend his hand to those who have described strike and protest as a unique way." It believes that the solution will not come from the strike, but from dialogue and agreement.
The words of the Ortuzar have had a greater impact on Party Day, but also the President of the Basque Government, Iñigo Urkullu, and the EGI Secretary of Navarra, Amaiur Guindeo, have spoken. Urkullu talks about the PNV values and emphasizes resident work. These values are "the centrality of the person, sharing prosperity, social cohesion and the political culture of cooperation, agreement and alliances". For his part, Guindo has pointed out that "the youth of the seven Basque territories" is willing to "fill with desire" the future of the Basque Country.
Pantxoa Bimboire Haritxelar, Ipar Euskal Herriko Eusko Alderdi Jeltzaleko arduradun berria da azarotik. Ipar Euskal Herriko ekonomia munduko pertsona ezaguna da.
Bizkaian eta Gipuzkoan egin bezala, EAEko estatus politiko berriak Euskal Herria nazio gisa aitortzea eta erabakitzeko eskubidea jasotzea eskatu dute Arabako Batzar Nagusietan alderdi abertzaleek.
The new spokesperson of the PNV in the Basque Parliament, Joseba Díez Antxustegi, has considered that lehendakari, Imanol Pradales, "has formed a government of women and men with great experience, respected in the professional sectors and committed to the Basque Country". The... [+]
In 1977 the Basque Country Kopa of Lekeitio was launched, a time of transition. At the time of the Republic, in 1931, the first Basque Wedding left the Batzoki. In 1964, the Euskadi Wedding Championship was also held in Lekeitio, in tribute to Resurrection Maria Azkue.
I think... [+]
The idea of this article emerged when on 24 November lehendakari Urkullu leaked that he would not be a candidate and, consequently, it was found that he would go after twelve years in office without significant gestures with the victims of the State.
However, in order not to be... [+]
Jean René Etxegaraik Peio Etxeleku baztertu du Errobi lurraldeko arduretatik. Etxeleku Kanboko hautetsia eta EAJren Ipar Buru Batzarreko lehendakaria da. Joan den astean Hirigune Elkargoko buruak jakinarazi zuen poloko hamaika auzapezetatik seik galdegin ziotela... [+]
In the last decade, the PNV has entrusted the management of the departments of the Basque Government to public positions from three quarries. It highlights a team that worked in consulting companies such as PwC and Andersen. Another important group is career officials. Leaders,... [+]