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Each party celebrates its Aberri Eguna, the prologue of the Basque elections

  • The PNV held the event in Bilbao, EH Bildu in Pamplona and EH Bai and Bagiraq in Uztaritze.

The PNV summons voters to "stop" at the Aberri Eguna event held in Bilbao on 30 March. They say that to achieve a "clear" victory people have to go to vote. A second reason, according to nationalists, is that EH Bildu "hides its true intentions", which will be shown and put into practice if he ruled the sovereign coalition.

Andoni Ortuzar, president of EBB, has made the central, rigid, protagonist speech. On the contrary, the intervention of lehendakari candidate Imanol Pradales has focused more on the progress of the political programme they are presenting today. Pradales stands out for its "well-being", "global agenda" and "humanist agenda". It also undertakes to make improvements in areas such as Osakidetza, housing, security and education.

EH Bildu: "We need a government and a decent Basque state that guarantees social rights"

In the streets of Pamplona, after a massive demonstration, general coordinator Arnaldo Otegi has claimed the "Basque homeland", and after testing it with rain, he said: "The new political cycle will come as the rain comes".

Instead of addressing the PNV, focusing on citizenship, Otegi has made phrases like "we are a national project with a vocation of alternative government". "We're not in a hurry, we don't have anxiety," he says, when they're in the middle of the election cycle. "We are clear about the goal, the independence, and in this way we are completing the social majorities, with the Basque society, with the workers, until the Basque republic is achieved, that nobody questions it".

Bagira calls for more powers for the College to promote Euskera

In the mobilization carried out in Ustaritz, Bagira has requested that the range of competencies for the College be extended, thus giving greater promotion to the Basque country. In addition, they have shown their solidarity with the defendants in the Luhusu case which has begun today with the participation in the disarmament of ETA.

EH Batera: Aberri Eguna set in 2025

On the eve of the Aberri Eguna, at an event convened by the Euskal Herria Batera platform, they have claimed nationality and Basque status, and have made a promise to celebrate the Aberri Eguna joint next year. The event involved personalities from the trade union, social and cultural world, as well as representatives of the PNV and EH Bildu.

Other demands of the Basque electoral cycle

Elkarrekin Podemos has not held the Aberri Eguna as other matches. Moreover, the presidential candidate, Miren Gorrotxategi, said: ‘XXI. In the twentieth century, Aberri Eguna did not refer to the creation of new frontiers, but to a dignified life". They say that in the Ebro "new walls" should not be built, but "decent lives".

Summing up, for its part, that it has already been constituted as a party at the level of Spain and, therefore, is no longer "movement", has claimed an "updated social pact", centered on the national recognition of the Basque Country. They say that we must act "for all the identities of the Basque Country".

Finally, without any action, but with a special point of prominence, the Basque People’s Party has made the video of a campaign public in the Aberri Eguna. The video shows several party members dressed in hats of different colors. They demand that the beret be put "without anyone forcing it".

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Eguneraketa berriak daude