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The conquest: the Zapatistas start their journey to Europe

  • The members of the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN) will depart on May 3 from the Island of Women (Mexico) to Galicia.El tour is called "the Ixchel Route". The group consists of seven people, all Mexican and Mayan descendants.

28 April 2021 - 12:32
Argazkia: EZLN

The members of EZLN will reverse the journey made over 500 years ago by the conquerors who invaded the American continent. The journey through the Atlantic will begin on 3 May. A group of seven Zapatistas was directed this Monday to the Isla de Mujeres, in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo, from the mountains of the Mexican state of Chiapas. From there, the boat is expected to go to the sea next Monday. A Mayan legend, Ixchel, goddess of love and fertility, is expected to reach the coast gallega.Segun in mid-June, he said: “Death and slavery came from the east. Tomorrow, to the east, that life and freedom sail in my bones and bumps.”

The newspaper El País has gathered the details of the route it has travelled so far. The squad consists of seven people, all Mexicans and Mayan descendants, who “share pain and anger with other peoples originating from this part of the ocean,” EZLN said through its website. The members of this delegation who started their journey on Monday at the latest will arrive on Friday at the Women's Island, where they will take the boat Mendia, which will take them to Europe.

The group, called “Squadron 421”, consists of four women, two men and one person who is not identified as a man or as a woman. They say that if they manage to land there will be a unique environment: “There will be party, dance, songs and cumbia.” It will then be extended to other European countries. “On both sides of the ocean, a short message will cover the entire electromagnetic spectrum and cyberspace, and its echo will reach the hearts,” said the statement released on Monday. “The invasion has already begun,” the statement concludes, peppered with humor.


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