The Aldatu Gidoia movement had its first intervention in September 2023, in which it revealed various concerns and demands. The movement is concerned about the direction of EITB in recent years. Campaign agents have stressed the importance of audiovisual media to “generate collective imagination and linguistic cohesion” and complain that the Basque Government “does not do enough” for culture in Basque and audiovisual in Basque. They consider that the Government's audiovisual policies reject the Basque people and do not respect the linguistic rights of the Basque people. Regarding EITB, they highlight that among the Basques and society, Castilian and television stations in Spanish have assumed the referentiality and prestige, with television and radio in Euskera in second place. They remember that “if it is something strategic for language, it is to have a strong Basque Television”.
The mobilization will begin on May 18 in Gasteiz at 17:30. It will urge the Basque Government to conduct a language policy for Euskera at EITB, but also to place Euskera at the centre of other audiovisual media, such as cinema and platforms. On April 25, EITB presented Makusi, a Basque platform for children and young people.
The unions ELA, LAB and Steilas, the Council of Euskalgintza, UEMA, the Euskal Herrian Euskaraz movement, AEK, the Federation of Ikastolas, the Platform for the Public School and the Association of Professionals of the Euskera Lanartea supported the Aldatu campaign in September 2023.
In later videos the movement Change the script.
??? [APPEARANCE] Pictures of the joint appearance on Thursday in Altsasu / Alsasua. Requests attendees and especially @xaloatbxaloa|to collaborate in the organization. Culture, EITB and audiovisual media #ErdiguneraEuskara #Modify script? (1/4)
— Modify Argumentario (@Modify Argumentario) April 27, 2024
We urgently need a Basque Radio Television focused on the Basque and the Basque Country. And linguistic policies beyond EITB that guarantee a decent offer in Basque in the cultural panorama, in the cinema and in the main streaming platforms. #Central Euskara (2/4)
— Modify Argumentario (@Modify Argumentario) April 27, 2024
Many have reflected on cultural policies and EITB. Those who, exercising power, have opted for culture and audiovisual in Basque. To all of them, and to everyone who cares about our language and culture, we call to go out into the street on May 18 #Modify Argumentario (3/4)
— Modify Argumentario (@Modify Argumentario) April 27, 2024
These are the 34 agents who have so far supported the #Modify Argumentario #EuskeraAlde campaign. Let us continue to join forces in joining #EuskaraErdigunea in the cultural and audiovisual policies of the Basque Government! On 18 May we have an inescapable date in Vitoria-Gasteiz. Come! (4/4)
— Modify Argumentario (@Modify Argumentario) April 27, 2024
Urtea baino gehiago da Olatz Simonek –EITBko berriemailea Parisen, garaian–, orrialde hauetan bertan ohartarazi zigunetik Bruselak kazetariari lanbideaz erakusten dionaz. Eta halaxe joan gatzaizkio galdezka Amaia Portugali. Bruselan gure irrati publikoak duen... [+]
Langileek salatu dute zuzendaritzak ez diela lan baldintzen gaiari heldu nahi izan eta enpresak nahiago izan duela Gaztea Sariak ekitaldia bertan behera utzi, “horrek sortutako albo-kalte ekonomiko eta sozial guztiekin”, arazoari irtenbidea eman baino.
Mugimenduak mahai gainean jarri du euskarazko edukiak sustatzeko beharra, eta horren aurrean ETBk duen interes falta. Lehentasuna gaztelaniazko saioei ematea egotzi dio. ETB emozioen festa izan dadin, aldatu gidoia euskararen alde! lelopean, aldaketa eskatu dio telebista... [+]
The cuckoo lays its eggs in the nests of the petirreds. After laying, the cuckoo does not feed and grows to your puppy, as the robin takes care of it.
I don't know how many years of survival the cubes have. I know that the bird in our house is over 40 years old and unfortunately... [+]