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The Galician PP more than regrets the opportunity for change

  • Since 2009, the PP has been governing by an absolute majority – over 38 seats – and will continue for at least another four years. BNG has obtained the best results in its history, but it is far from governing the block on the left, due to the sharp decline suffered by the PSOE. The penalty is also borne by Podemos and Sumar, who neither will have a representation. It has been the largest turnout in the history of the Galician elections: 67.3%.
Alfonso Rueda PPko presidentegaia, kanpainako ekitaldi batean. (Argazkia: Galiziako PP)

19 February 2024 - 07:00
Last updated: 00:11
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s promising mandate will continue with Alfonso Rueda. After the 2009 elections, the PP took over the majority again in the 2005 elections, after the formation and government of the government by the PSOE and the BNG, the second and third force.

After four years of opposition, Manuel Fraga Iribarne was dismissed and led by Núñez Feijóo. And in the 2009 elections, little by little, but the PP got the absolute majority: 38 chairs. In 2012, 2016 and 2020 he earned 41 and 42 seats. Last year, Feijóo took over the leadership of PP in Spain and Vice-President Rueda took over the presidency and the leadership.

Some surveys predicted a slight decline for one reason or another, but it has not been the same: Rueda of the PP has won 40 seats, so it will govern with an absolute majority. Likewise, Rueda received more votes than at the time of Feijóo, with a high turnout.

Opportunity for change, excluded

BNG and candidate Ana Pontón have cause to rejoice because the bloc of Galician nationalism has achieved the best results of their parliamentary elections. Pontón has firmly argued that they are alternatives to PP in the campaign, but the vow movement has materialized between the parties of that hypothetical government for change; the PSOE has lost five seats – 14 to 9 – and the BNG has won six – 19 to 25. The sum of both gives 34 chairs, far from completing the 38.

Yolanda Díaz, at home

Literally, the founder and leader of Yolanda Díaz Sumar has followed from Madrid the elections of his home country and the land that took its first political steps. The results have been very negative, after so many confrontations, as Pablo Iglesias appealed to BNG in his forums.

Adding up only obtained 1.89% of the votes, a total of 28,000 votes, and Podemos 0.26%, with 4,000 votes. For example, PACMA obtained more votes than Podemos (0.36% of the votes and, in number, 1,500 more than Podemos).

Recently known the results, Díaz communicates with a bird: “The results have been negative” and “we will continue to work to improve Galicia”.

The Novelty of Ourense

The PP has two more seats than necessary to be able to form a government, but if one were missing, it would have another colleague in the chamber, because Democracy Ourense will have a chair in the parliament.

The DO is a party that appears only in Ourense and that requires mechanisms to improve this province in general to cope with the depopulation, among other things, demanding investments from the Xunta de Galicia. It is a movement that has grown in recent years, reaching the mayor of the city of Ourense in the last elections.

The greatest participation of all time

Among those who could vote, more than two out of three voted: Just over 67%. It is the greatest historical involvement of the Galician parliaments. For example, when in 2009 there was a change of government from PSOE-BNG to PP, participation was 65%.

Some of the experts involved in the campaign have pointed out that high participation could benefit the BNG, namely a minimum of 65%. But that would not guarantee anything. However, the results in the hands have shown that this has not been the case; the PP has managed to mobilize its voters as “a danger” to change government.

To delegitimize the BNG mandate, for example, the PP released the following video at the end of the campaign. It made public the link between BNG and EH Bildu, among other things, that they are presented to the European Parliament or that the leaders of the BNG participate in the annual Sare demonstration, thus making a link between BNG and ETA.


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