It will mainly affect the religious subject and the schools under covenant. The religious note will be of no value and will give priority to public schools over the covenants.
In her first appearance on the Board of Education, Isabel Celaá invites the rest of the groups to seek an agreement. He added that the government wants to change the points that have given “the most problems”.
He wants to pass an organic law because, in his opinion, simply changing it would not make sense.
Celaa wants to give priority to the school publikoari.Itunpekoa she says is “complementary”: “There may be agreements or not, but public schools must be yes or yes, otherwise the State does not fulfill its mission.”
It seeks to amend Articles 122, 127 and 135 of the LOMCE so that communities have the opportunity to participate in the school councils of public and concerted schools.
He said that the ratios would be lowered as a result of the cuts, as well as the teachers’ school hours and the days off to replace a teacher. The revalidation will also be ignored and diagnostic tests will be returned to the fourth grade of Primary and second grade of Secondary.
As far as vocational training is concerned, it aims to create a Vocational Training Act linking education, vocational training and economic development policies.
Murgian ospatuko den Euskal Eskola Publikoaren jai atarian, hezkuntza arloko murrizketen aurka eta LOMCE lege-proposamenaren kontra borrokan diharduten bi elkartetako ordezkariekin bildu gara, Hezkuntzan Geu Eragileko Edu Zabala eta Denon Hezkuntzako Aitor Otañorekin... [+]
San Ignacion, Luis Elejalden, Aresketan… planto egin diote LH 6. mailako kanpo ebaluazioari. Hezkuntza Plataformen Topagunetik kalifikazio sistema “inposatu” honi planto egiteko deia luzatu zuten eta elkarlanean ari dira ikasleak, irakasleak eta... [+]
Luis Dorao, San Martin, Lukas Rei, Barandiaran, Umandi… Arabako 27 ikastetxe hauetatik 19 publikoetan egin nahi ditu frogak Eusko Jaurlaritzak martxoaren 5etik aurrera Lehen Hezkuntzako 6. mailako ikasgeletan. DBHn ere Pisa azterketa egitera deituko dituzte 4. mailako... [+]
We have recently seen the worrying results of Basque education. Recently, the PISA (International Student Assessment Programs) report gave us the first slap, as our students got very poor results. Because we were led to believe that from the Basque Government the teaching here... [+]
Ebaluaketak "merkatu eta politika neoliberalen menpe" daudela kritikatu du sindikatuak eta proba "jarraitu eta hezigarrien" aldeko dokumentua aurkeztu du.
Hezkuntza arloan bero bukatu zen ikasturtea EAEn eta indartsu ekingo diete berriz murrizketen aurkako mobilizazioei: abendura bitartean, greba orokorra eta arloz arlokoa, itxialdiak, elkarretaratzeak, solasaldirako tarteak, salaketa egunak, borroka asteak eta manifestazioak... [+]
Maiatzaren bigarren hamabostaldirako Lehen Hezkuntza eta DBH amaierako ebaluazio-azterketak deituta zituen Eusko Jaurlaritzak 90 ikastetxetan. Cristina Uriarte Hezkuntza sailburuak Eusko Legebiltzarrean egindako agerraldian jakinarazi duenez, 27tan ezin izan dute proba egin,... [+]