According to El Correo, when the garbage jump occurred, Alberto Sololuze's car was at the entrance to the landfill, next to the floor and the caset. They all became completely clear and dragged the car very far away. The Department of Security Communication Officer, Julián Beloki, has told them that "it looks like it's from Sololuze, but we still can't guarantee it."
Here are the images "recorded and assigned to EITB by rescue teams":
According to El Correo, the search work has increased the speed since the two cells were built to collect the extracted land. Job seekers now work between 8:45 and 9:15 hours, according to the Basque Department of Security. The search began in the area where the floor was located when the landfill fell, where it was thought that the two workers could be, but where there was a higher risk of another waste leap. From there, four search zones were determined, two of which have already been extracted from the garbage lots to be extracted. A total of 70,300 cubic metres of garbage have been removed and have been observed with dogs.
The transfer of the cell, located less than 100 metres from the Eitzaga Etxeberria farmhouse, is requested to another area. It must be borne in mind that these are asbestos-contaminated waste. They also call for medical examinations to be carried out for each neighbour and for the neighbours who were evicted on 6 February to be followed up.
As of 6 April, the date of two months from the waste leap, the Zaldibar Argitu platform has convened five minutes each night at 20:30 hours to ignite two candles, until the two missing workers are found every night. Several musicians released the song Zaborrezko munstroa on April 5 at the Arriaga Theatre in Bilbao. Here you can see:
Visiting urban waste collection and reduction sites should be a compulsory school tour. Open a cookie pack to swallow two inner cookies and mentally construct the package surface path. The shame of human activity lies in destiny. Ultimate desolate landscape of the sins of... [+]
Europako Batzordeak beste behin adierazi du Eusko Jaurlaritzak legedia bete zuela Zaldibarko zabortegiaren kasuan. Zaldibar Argitu plataformak nabarmendu du Lakuak bidalitako informazioa soilik izan duela kontuan Bruselak.
In February, two years have passed since the Zaldibar landfill fell. In March comes the second anniversary of the pandemic, when we stay home for two months. Two disasters. The second covered the first, but the management of the Eitzaga disaster taught us how the pest was to be... [+]