In any case, the situation can relax, allowing children to go out at some point or offering the possibility for citizens to do sport individually. Among other things, it would be possible to make a space for the elderly. Several autonomous communities are also calling for that, and Catalonia, for example, has already made its own plan to take children out of school. The Basque Government has also joined in these demands for de-escalation. According to the half-20 minutes, the Moncloa is studying expanding the state of alarm for 15 days, until May 11, but the state of confinement only for another week.
Despite the increasing pressure of the departure of children by almost all sectors of society, there are significant criticisms of the departure of children, such as the Spanish Society of Pediatrics, according to which, to the extent that the confinement of adults continues, that of children must also continue.
The director of the Emergency Coordination and Alerts Center of the Spanish Government, Fernando Simón, said at his hearing on Saturday that "the situation will relax as the contagion is controlled, when we are in a position to ensure that the health system can react without reaching its limit".