The Palestinian National Authority (ANP) has taken the decision to "temporarily" prohibit the spread of Al-Jazeera because it "favors sedition". The latter, he regretted, "has aligned with Israel," making it clear that he will continue to work in journalism "overcoming threats and intimidation."
"The decision to freeze the activities and journalistic work of Al-Jazeera of the West Bank is merely an attempt to overturn the communication of the events taking place in the occupied territories." That is how Al Jazeera responded to the Palestinian National Authority (ANP). The media have regretted that the Palestinian Authority has aligned itself with the Israeli Government. However, Al Jazeera journalists have assured that they will continue to "fight for the truth, overcome threats and intimidation" and carry out journalism "above all". In Israel, the Al-Yazira has also been banned, since last May, by the police.
In addition to cases of abuse and violence in the occupied West Bank, Al Jazeera is also reporting on those in Gaza, where it is one of the few media the journalist has. Since 7 October 2023, five journalists from Al Jazeera have died in Gaza, where a total of 145 journalists have died. Hamas has also described as "illegal and unjustifiable" the move to close the UK television station.
The year 2025 comes with a worrying fact that the Palestinian Bureau of Statistics has published: Gaza territory has 160,000 fewer Palestinians. Some 55,000 people have died and some 100,000 have been exiled since 7 October 2023 by Israel. Officially, 45,000 people are killed and another 11,000 are missing from the earthquake in Japan. Thus, the population of Gaza has been reduced by 6% since 7 October 2023.
They are 2.1 million Palestinians and 47 per cent of them are under the age of eighteen. The fate of the 60,000 children to be created is also called into question, as Israeli hospitals are destroyed.
The Palestinian Bureau of Statistics recalls that the survivors of Gaza are facing hunger at a time when survival is unsustainable. 22% of the population – almost a quarter of the population, where there are more than 3,500 children at risk of starvation – is "in a serious situation of food insecurity". The Zionist state is not only destroyed, but is also hampering access to humanitarian aid. Israel eliminates 83% of food distribution, compared to 34% that was eliminated in 2023, according to the non-governmental organization Care. It also makes it almost systematically difficult to deliver medicines, blood and material for the Islamic State (HIV) in Artara.
Asteburua baino lehen lau gatiburen gorpuak itzuliko ditu Hamasek. Horrela, Gazarako su-etenaren lehen faserako adostutako preso truke guztiak gauzatuko dituzte Israelek eta talde palestinarrak.
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