It is 25 years since a fascist named Ricardo Guerra killed his Real followers in Madrid in 1998. On Friday, December 8, at 7:00 p.m., from Donostiarra Boulevard, Bultzada has convened a demonstration to commemorate Zabaleta and protest against fascism.
Donostiarra was killed in Madrid when he attended a football match between the Real Sociedad and the Athlético de Madrid. Before the match, several Real Sociedad fans went to a bar near the stadium, including Zabaleta himself. When they arrived, they were told that the members of the fascist team of the Athlético de Madrid Bastión were in their vicinity. The fascists rebelled against Txuri-Urdin fans, and although most managed to escape, Zabaleta was caught and Guerra gave her a knife in her heart. Shortly afterwards the young Donostia died.
The fascist murderer was arrested within a few hours. The Spanish Football League did not suspend the football match.
2000. During the year he was tried and sentenced to seventeen years in prison. It is currently in third grade.
On the same day, the Impulse group will release the documentary on Aitor Zabaleta. “Keeping the memory and spreading the message to the new generations,” they have given the floor to those who lived close that day of 1998, according to the Irutxulo Word. This audio-visual has involved people from different areas such as: Brother of Aitor Zabaleta, members of Izar Peña, former players, Amets Arzallus, Fermin Muguruza, etc.,” explains Bultzada.
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