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Bertsolari Aitor Sarasua dies

  • The last breath occurred on the night of 14 November, due to a long illness. The farewell will be on Saturday, from 11:00 a.m. in the church of Itsasu.

15 November 2018 - 06:44
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.
He was born in 1967 in Aretxabaleta. Almen studied at bertsolaris school from the age of 7, with his brother Jon and his friends. Patxi Goikolea and Xanti Iparragirre set up the pioneering bertsos school, and these two were the verso teachers that Aitor Sarasua set in motion. Here you can read the interview with Iparragirre in 1986. And here, I report on the creation of the Bertso Eskolas.


Aitor Sarasua is a member of that first generation who studied at the Bertsos school. In this 1983 photo you can see, with the great bertsolari Manuel Uztapide, the bertsolaris of that first generation: Jon Eizmendi, Felix Iñurrategi, Jon and Aitor Sarasua, Joxe Mari Mujika "Anatx", Xabier Euzkitze, Arantzazu Loidi, Iñaki Izarzelaia and Danel Goikoetxea. Aitor Sarasua participated in the first Interest Tournament. This was the first public hearing.
Bertsolaris Awards and Championship
From 16 to 21 years old participated in the youth awards: Artxanberri and Pello Errota (1983, 1985, 1987), Errexil saria (1984 and 1988), Fernando Amezketarra (1985), Leniz bailara txapelketa (1988 and 1989), Lizardi saria (1982-1985), Osinalde saria (1987-1989), Xenpelar (1983-1986). In 1989 the txapela of the Leniz Valley was dressed, here you have one of the verses that sang there.
In 1993 he participated in the Bertsolaris Championship. In the database of Bertsozale Elkartea you can read and listen to the collection of sung improvised bertsos.


Here you can see in bertsos, in the humor program he did with Joxe Lizaso in Tolosa.
In 2002 he participated in the Bertsu League, as Amets Arzallus reported in ARGIA.
Creator and voice of well-known bertsos
In 1995, Brother Jon and she published the album Fauntxiki bat bertso berritan (Elkar), composed of bertsos and songs of Gernika. His peculiar voice and sweet singing will continue to impact the ears of many fans.
Professor of verses and promoter of bertsolarism
When he went to live in Itsasu, he worked as a professor of bertsos in the Bertsularien Lagunak association. Away from the activity of the plazas since 1998, he worked as a driver of the Bertsozale Elkartea association.
Some of your statements in the press
- The first Bertso eskola of Almen, Bertsolari, in 1998

Sarasua Laskarai
is still in the square, daughter of Aitor.

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