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Photographer Aitor Garmendia, candidate for World Press Photo

  • Photographer Aitor Garmendia has managed to find a place on the list of the prestigious World Press Photo 2017 photojournalism awards. A selection of photographs taken in pig farms in the Spanish State have led him to be one of the candidates. The award-winning photoreport saw the light for the first time from the hand of ARGIA.
Argazki-erreportajeko piezetako bat (Argazkia: Aitor Garmendia)

The organization World Press Photo annually convenes the prestigious Word Press Photo Award for photography, with the aim of rewarding the best images of the year. This year it will hold its 64 edition and on 15 April it will announce the names of the winners of this year’s awards. On Wednesday, the list of journalists nominated for this year’s awards was published, and among the 45 names is Aitor Garmendia.

The prize candidates are classified into eight categories and Garmendia is one of the winners of the Environment category, with a photo-report with photographs taken in pig farms in the Spanish State.

He completed his work between 2019 and 2020 with a group of researchers in defense of animal rights – people who wanted to preserve anonymity because of the risk of persecution – who entered the chamber in more than thirty pig holdings in Aragon, Castilla-La Mancha and Castilla y León. Objective: to document the abuses that occur in the context of the industrial exploitation of animals, in order to make this reality known.

The work was first published through ARGIA. Here it is available.

Garmendia has been pleased to have been the candidate for the Mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz. As stated to EiTB: “The exploitation of animals – and I am not referring to certain cases of animal abuse, but to systematic and institutional exploitation – hardly finds loudspeakers in the media. Therefore, this is an important recognition, not only for the issue itself, but for the people who investigate in the shade the nurseries and the slaughterhouses.”

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