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"A dead tree has more life than a living one"

  • We have Aitor Galdos, forester and forest lover of Oñati. We have been working with him on the current forests and plantations. In the words of Galdós "Plantations with a single species are often more susceptible to diseases and pests. It’s a very clear example of what’s going on with the pine insinis.”

09 July 2018 - 09:51
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Since when do you have a passion for forests and forestry?

As a child, I loved the forest and nature. At the age of 18, I did a high-level course in forestry and gardening at the Derio agricultural school and as a result I learned a little about forestry and plantations. I must say that I am not an expert in forestry and that the plantations I have made have been done out of my whim. My goal has never been to make an economic profit from these plantations, but

It seems that they can also afford it.

How would you describe the state of forests today?

I would say that the state of the forests is improving every year. We have more and more old trees, and every year more and more forest lands are abandoned without anyone planting them. Over the years, it will become a forest. An indication of this is related to forests

The birds are going up. Instead, the field is being lost, and birds associated with this habitat, for example, are descending.

The plantation or “forests” made for timber harvesting, however, are in a difficult situation and at a crucial moment. Over the past 4 years, the fungus known as brown bands (Lecanosticta acicola) has gained tremendous strength and has been forced to cut insecticide pine plantations of all ages. If things don’t change, sawmills will detect the lack of wood in a few years. Even the pine of laricium, the red band has been severely shaken in recent years. Douglas fir trees are also being yellowed by the fungus “roya suiza” (Phaeocryptus gaeumannii). Even in the leaves of the eucalyptus,

The stains caused by fungi of the genus Mycosphaerella can be found everywhere... It is clear in recent years that diseases caused by fungi

They are gaining strength.

What has the monoculture of trees not only changed the landscape?

It should be noted that the monoculture of the pine insinis has left a lot of money around us. But monoculture also has other consequences, such as the loss of biodiversity. Each habitat contains living things associated with that habitat. Having certain types of habitats, forests, fields, pastures... the more different living beings you will have. Around us, lands that once were forests, lands that were fields and lands with other different uses, today we have covered them with tree plantations for wood production. Apart from this, plantations with a single species are often more susceptible to diseases and pests. A very clear example is what is happening with the pine insinis. What started out in one area of the territory is spreading to everything and much faster than expected.

What is the difference between forest and tree planting?

In my opinion, the forest is an area covered with trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants (which can also be clearing areas) that naturally emerge from an area. There are many different species here. There are trees and shrubs of all ages, old, young, dying, dead. Experts say that a dead tree has more life than a living one, because there are many fungi and insects in it. We could also find very different trees in the forest in terms of shape, branches, with several tips, cut in half, full of holes... These are usually burrows for many different living beings.

Plantations, on the other hand, are usually arboretums created for a specific purpose, for timber harvesting, fruit harvesting, resin harvesting, etc. There is usually only one species and there are trees of the same age and shape. When it comes to timber harvesting, trees with as few branches as possible are left, straight, single-pointed, without holes. Therefore, seeking refuge in it is more difficult for other living beings.

In many plantations, the shrubs below are also cut, and only trees can be found, with the remaining extracts missing. When they reach the age of cutting, all the trees are cut down and replanted. After all, what is done in a vegetable garden with potatoes or any other vegetable is done with these trees.

Can the plantation become a forest?

Oh, yeah, yeah. This is currently happening with some insecticide plantations. The pines have aged, some have begun to die and dry, and from their range come native species, such as oak, birch, beech... We could find quite different species of different ages in these ancient plantations. Like I said, they're turning into forests.

What kind of plantations have you done? Where and when?

13 years ago, we decided that we had to do something on some of the steep meadows around the house. There was a time when we used to mow the local grass and do the herbal work by hand, but in recent years we used to graze sheep, because the slope for the introduction of machines is too steep. Other than that, there was sometimes a landslide. With this in mind, we decided to plant some species that would support the soil and ensure that it was fed to the sheep. So we planted cherry and ash on about 3 hectares. What we have achieved with these two species is the maintenance of the meadow and the maintenance of the soil. In addition, every year between September and October, we prune the branches and the leaves are eaten by the sheep. With these prunes we can improve the quality of the wood. They are also producing better growth results than expected, with cherry trees gaining an average of 4.5 cm per year on the perimeter and ash trees gaining 3.5 cm. Some species of conifers would grow faster, but under these we wouldn’t have grasslands. Therefore, we have found that cherry trees and ash trees are very suitable for use as “silvopastores”.

On the other hand, in 2016, we launched a 20-year-old pine forest damaged by the brown band. We threw the pines ourselves and tried to respect most of the young trees that came naturally. After throwing the pines in this way, we had dressed ourselves in the forest in different areas with oak, birch, ash, maple, chestnut, etc., naturally extracted. Then, in 2017, we planted plants of these species where there were gaps. Along with these other shrubs that will bear fruit, gorostias, carvings... We hope that in a short time this plantation will take the form of a forest.

What are the benefits of planting in the area?

With the cultivation of cherry and ash we can consider our objectives achieved. We have managed to maintain the land and also to maintain the meadow. Apart from this, cherry trees provide plenty of food for various animals. If you want to, you may be able to sell quality wood in a few years... but you’re still only 13 years old. Again, in last year’s broadleaf plantation, it’s too early to highlight the benefits.

If any individual would like to make plantations, what should they have in mind?

First, the purpose of the plantation should be clarified. If you want a conservation oriented plantation, it is easy. In this area, see what species naturally emerge and be planted by them. With the climatic conditions here, without much work you can get ahead of the beautiful native forest. And if I had a little desire for work, I could do some pruning and baking, and produce some quality wood, I could get a few ounces.

If the purpose of this plantation is to extract production and economic profit, many things become complicated. Until a few years ago, it was easy. Plant the insecticide, chop it up and plant the insecticide again. But that’s over, at the moment it’s hard to say which species will be the most profitable. With the exception of eucalyptus, the rest of the species are considered as medium-growing species (Turnos of about 60 years) (sequoia, cryptomeria...) Finding a species like Insinis will not be easy. It was brought from America and adapted very well to the conditions here, will the species that are now being planted adapt in this way? Time will tell.

The cultivation of Japanese criptomeria has become fashionable, but no one knows how it will respond and what quality wood it will provide. Other forest owners have opted for eucalyptus, but it must be taken into account that eucalyptus is used to make paper. So it's not good for the sawmills here. Once again we can find ourselves faced with a monoculture of a few species and it is possible that other diseases will damage these plantations in the same way that has happened with the insinis.

What should be the path to a sustainable forest model?

That the key to sustainable forestry is in a position to exploit or make the most of it. Can the benefits of sobriety be sustainable? Given the terrain and climate we have here, I'd say no. Reaching the age of cutting a plantation and throwing away all the trees in that area is a tremendous change for the living in that environment. To this must be added the erosion of the earth. In order for forestry to be sustainable, it should be exploited by mutual exploitation or isolation. Obtain calitte wood and only extract trees of certain diameters, dimensions or conditions. But would this form of exploitation be profitable? Experts will have to say that.

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