Aita Mari was heading from Sicily (Italy) to Pasaia (Gipuzkoa), as the Covid-19 pandemic has prevented him from carrying out rescue work. Therefore, after spending several months in the Sicilian port of Syracuse, he went to Euskal Herria to continue the maintenance of the ship in the port of Pasaia during the plague.
Alarm Phone’s call, on the contrary, has diverted its path to the Gipuzkoan capital. The Basque NGO received the warning of four boats, with some 250 migrants in total, who had lost contact with the fourth vessel and could be lost at sea, with 87 people.
After receiving the warning, the NGO waited for the response of the Government of Malta, as the ship is not in the best condition and its aim was to travel to the Basque Country. But because they didn't get an answer, he did rescue work. A doctor sent by helicopter from Malta has analysed the health status of 47 people on board the boat found, six of whom lost consciousness and one pregnant woman. The boat is awaiting permission to transfer these people to Aita Mari, according to the latest data.
On the morning of 13 April, Malta has authorised migrants to distribute life jackets, water and food. As for the rescue of the other boats, Father Mari is discussing what to do.
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