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Air pollution significantly increases the risk of sterility, according to a new study

  • According to exclusive information from The Guardian, scientists say that one cannot look away from the problem of air pollution, even though it is not clear why a third of the cases of sterility generally occur.

17 February 2021 - 17:44

Inhalation of contaminated air increases the risk of sterility, according to the first analysis of the populations in general. The study conducted in China with 18,000 couples shows that couples living in areas where there is a higher concentration of small contaminating particles have a 20% higher risk of sterility, although for years attempts have been made to appear incapacities for pregnancy.

According to The Guardian, contamination particles are known to swell any organ in the body, which could damage both the ovaries and sperm production.

Another study of 600 women in the United States reveals that a clinic with sterility problems has proven that breathing contaminated air for a long time is related to the smaller number of eggs that fertilize.

Sterility affects millions of couples around the world, but there are few studies analyzing the relationship of air pollution to this problem. However, it has already been shown that contaminated air is related to other issues related to fertility, such as increasing the risk of pre-term birth or the chances of under-average weight.

In addition, inhalation of contaminated air increases the risk of abortion and contamination particles have been found in the placental area of the fetus.


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