Ainhoa Barbarin prison in Urretxu received the third grade on 27 July, but the Spanish State Prosecutor’s Office has recently decided to appeal and that the Prison Surveillance Tribunal should return to prison.
The Citizen Network recalls that in October 2022 it was also granted the third grade and that the Spanish National Audience withdrew it in February. The movement for the rights of prisoners has denounced that on both occasions “the possibility of progress in the reintegration phase has been interrupted along the path established by law”. The Attorney General’s Office and the National Court of Spain state that they continue “bleeding the coexistence”.
Barbarin has been in prison for 21 years, has already two thirds of his sentence, and Sare says that he “fulfills all the requirements to be in third grade.” It was called to protest this decision on Friday at 20:00 in Potros Square in Urretxu.
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Banku atrakatzailea, presoa, Trantsizio garaian espetxetan borroka historikoa piztu zuen COPEL taldeko sortzailea, euskal talde armatuetako kideen laguna, ostalaria, militantea, libertarioa, ortuzaina. Gauza asko izan da eta da oraindik ere Daniel Pont. Abenduan Girona utzi eta... [+]
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