In Lapurdi and Baja Navarra there are more and more horseback riding. It appears that in Zuberoa the pastoralists are marching the other two provinces. Horseback riding is street demonstrations carried out at the initiative of the citizens. The horseback riding in Aiherra bears the name of Aiherra, window of Navarre, and the first performance will be on Sunday, 22 September, and the second on 29 September.
There were 90 dancers, 24 playwrights, 11 musicians and five makilaris. Next to them, there will also be two bertsolaris: Ramuntxo Christy and Aitzol Iturbe in their first performance. In the second part, Maddi Sarasua and Maddalen Arzallus will take care of the story of the day. According to the organizers, in order to avoid the risk of moving to the “folklore” and in order to understand the foundations of the horseback riding well, the villagers have had the collaboration of the experts Antton Luku and Xabier Itzaina.
Aiherra, the window of Navarre in which the horseback riding has been placed, has had the collaboration of several specialists and also of this kind of street theatre. They've had a ride in the village of Makea erreferentzia.Samuel The theater writer Bizkai really liked the shape of the Makea ride, that is, because in his letters he was "short, compact, and xixt". In their words, the archers of the Aiherra horseback riding will interpret “the parody of a given society.”
The playwright Manex Fuchs has also brought his contribution and help to the population of Ayala, he finds it “good” that the people of the town of Fuchsi move and organize horseback riding. However, in the opinion of Fuchs, horse riding must also be able to interpret the “free” space offered by the liberations and the berets and to explain what the “Basque tradition” is.
Barsanti Theatre
Company on Red Street
Actors: Juanjo Otero, Aritza Rodriguez and Pako Revuelta
Zuzendaria: Pako Revuelta
Non: July 9 at the Hondarribia Plaza de Armas.
This play was created by the theater company... [+]
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After watching last year’s edition on streaming, she returns to Iruinkoa Street. The fourth edition of the Basque Carnival in Pamplona was a year more welcomed by the streets of the Casco Viejo on February 27, Sunday. We've been able to see, hear, feel and smell both coconut... [+]
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Datorren astelehenean hasiko da Bilboko Kalealdia, kaleko arte eszenikoen jaialdia. XIV. aldia izango du, eta, orotara, kaleko arte eszenikoetan erreferente diren 26 konpainiak beren lanak erakutsiko dituzte. Kaleko antzerkia, zirkua, clown-a, txotxongiloak, kabareta eta... [+]
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