As they indicated from the platform, as soon as the rumor that the work of the TAV would begin, they began to meet and prepare to respond. As you can confirm, material has already been built up for the works, for which trucks use public roads and neighbours are suffering their noise and dust.
It will not be any movement of land, the filling for the construction of a fast train would cover 10,000 square meters of land, according to the platform, which is equivalent to ten football fields. The project contemplates a viaduct of 1,754 meters in length that will cross Atxondo from part to part, with columns of many meters thick, among others: "With all these columns, there would be the effect of the wall in sight and there would be considerable ecological damage in the area," they say.
Mobilisations have already begun. Thus, on 9 November a mountain march was held in the areas affected by the TAV and informative tables have begun to be set up at fairs and other points of the Anteiglesia.
Satorralaia plataformak Donostiako Metroaren Mirakontxa-Easo zatiko lanek “%164ko gainkostua” izan dutela salatu zuen joan den astean, eta, horren harira, EH Bilduk gainkostu hori argitzeko eskatu du, Eusko Legebiltzarrean erregistratutako galdera sorta baten bidez.
Elkarretaratzea egin zuen Aiaraldeko Mendiak Bizirik plataformak atzo Laudioko Lamuza plazan, Mugagabe Trail Lasterketaren testuinguruan.
Satorralaia plataformak eman du gainkostuaren berri, informazioa Jaurlaritzari eskatutako txosten batetik aterata. Donostiako metroaren Mirakontxa-Easo zatiaren lanak 53 milioi eurotan esleitu ziren, eta egungo aurrekontua 139,4 milioi eurokoa da. Donostiako metro-pasantearen... [+]
"Gasteiztik egin ezean, ez da egingo", adierazi du PSNren bozeramaile Ramón Alzorrizek. Kontra azaldu dira Geroa Bai, UPN eta PP.
Zirkulazioan lehentasunek garrantzi handia dute. Gidatzeko ikasten dugun lehen gauzatakoak dira: biribilguneak eta STOPak menperatu ezean nekez lortuko dugu gidabaimena.
Hala ere, lehentasunak ez dira kontu neutroak, eta historiak eta interes kontrajarriek aldatu izan... [+]