The governments of Spain and Navarre continue to build the high-speed train without “paying attention” to the two reports presented by the European Court of Auditors, the organizers explained in the note.
Those who highlighted in these two reports, 2016 and 2018, the economic waste caused by the AVE infrastructures in the Spanish State, the construction without reports to justify the hole created in the public finances and the damage to the environment and the territory without verification of socio-economic profitability.
It is alleged that the AVE destroys public transport, accumulating a debt of 18,000 euros in the public company Adif. The organizers accuse the authorities of restrictions on public services (health, education, pensions, social services...) to pay this debt.
The following agents are the organizers: AHT Stop it! Navarre, Barañain AVE No, Bellota Libertaria, Middle Youth, Ernai, Real Estate Foundation, Tafalla Youth Centre, Platform Cuenca de Pamplona-Pamplona by the Public and Social Train. TAV No, Ribera Platform by a Social Train. No to the TAV, platform Barranco Por la Tren and Zona Media por el Tren-Medio Por la Tren.
Major infrastructure and development such as the High-Speed Train that is being imposed as an essential benchmark for development, well-being and modernity or, more recently, as an element to cope with climate challenges, require a large amount of money for planning and... [+]
Al-TAV-oz eguna antolatu du larunbatean Nafarroako AHTren kontrako mugimenduak Iruñean, datorren larunbatean. Plazara! zentroan egun osoko jardunaldia izango da hitzaldiekin, abiadura handiko trenari buruzko hausnarketa sustatu eta "eztabaidagune bat sortzea"... [+]
2030a aurretik Gasteiz eta Iruñea arteko AHTren tartea eraikitzeko aurreikuspenik ez dagoenez, halakorik ez eraikitzea proposatu du Europar Batzordeak. Berriaren harira, AHT Gelditu! mugimenduak adierazi du abiadura handiko trena gelditzea oraindik posible dela.