The Stop AHT Nafarroa Survey initiative, formed by AHT Gelditu Nafarroa, Lautada, Landarlan, Otsotarras, Sakana Aldeko Tren and the Subai Foundation, will denounce through its march the impact of the construction of the TAV: "environmental impacts, affect populations and land, economic waste, dismantling of conventional rail and job losses as a result of improved services". Exploration surveys are the “principle of all this.”
The bike ride will run through several locations to request the cessation of the surveys. They have started on 25 August, at 10:00 in the town square of Irurtzun, to reach Olazti / Olazaguté at 20:30 hours and there will coincide with those departing from Salvatierra at 18:00 hours. The meeting and the information meeting to be held in Altsasu / Alsasua, which will be held at 18:30 in the Town Hall Square.
On the 26th the march will depart from Olazti / Olazagutia at 9:00 hours. At 10:00 they will meet with railway workers and unions, continuing through Zegama and Segura until they reach Idiazabal. Thereafter, a concentration will be held in Beasain at 13:00 in Erauskin Square and from 15:30 in Lazkao an open assembly will be held to discuss the fight against the APR. The day will end in Ataun, at 19:00 hours is expected to reach the Auzoeta fronton.
The Sunday stage extends between Ataun and Irurtzun. They will depart at 8:30 and will arrive from Lizarrusti to Lakuntza at 11:00. In Uharte-Arakil he meets at 12:00 in the Plaza de los Niños and, once the mobilization is completed, they head to Irurtzun, where the march ends.
Josu Estarrona EH Bilduko Arabako senatariak egindako galderari erantzun dio Espainiako Sustapen Ministerioak, eta hor berretsi du Ezkioko aukera zailtasunez beteta dagoela.
"Gasteiztik egin ezean, ez da egingo", adierazi du PSNren bozeramaile Ramón Alzorrizek. Kontra azaldu dira Geroa Bai, UPN eta PP.
In recent weeks we have been reading "proposals" for the recovery of the railway line Castec-Soria and the maintenance of the Tudela train station in its current location, or for the construction of a new high-speed station outside the urban area with the excuse of the supposed... [+]