In early January, municipalities received the notification of the public company Adif, in charge of high-speed construction in the Spanish state, which will expropriate 122 hectares to install thirteen landfills: seven hectares in Pueiun, 30 in Garínoain, 20 in Barásoain and about 65 in Biurrun, Olcoz, Tirapu and Muruarte de Reta. In total, three times what they were told in their day. The land of the works of the High-Performance Train, 5.3 million cubic metres, 3.5 and the rest, 1.8, will be transferred to the Ezparda landfill.
The municipalities mentioned stated that the environmental impact studies presented so far did not mention these landfills, but that, according to the mayors, the condition will be very high. All these lands are seeable. In such works, landfills are typically generated in the surrounding land, making it cheaper. This affects the sowing grounds of the area.
Expropriation points to an important environmental impact, among other things because it will affect the perception of these peoples, the landscape, history, flora and fauna. At their hearing on Wednesday, they stressed that it will also have consequences from the point of view of cultivation, and that some farmers may have to leave their profession because without set-aside their projects are not profitable. Consequently, if economic activity is lost, municipalities that already have a scarce treasure can also lose very important income for them.
They have also denounced that their peoples already have the great influence of other infrastructures that endanger their character: the motorway, the railway, the high-voltage lines and now the fast train.
They say that there is a great deal of propaganda from the institutions about the depopulation of the peoples, but all these measures that they are now denouncing are making the peoples increasingly sleeping. They believe that it is time to address this situation, but to do so it is essential to foresee their future.
In this hearing, the high-performance train project was not valued, but many of the valley’s neighbours report that the citizens are not going to win anything because they are going to lose the Tafalla station and that is what they are now taking to go to Madrid or Barcelona. To access these places you must go to Pamplona.
The Government of Navarre tells you that the project is dealt with by Adif and that the government has nothing to say in its actions, so the Department of Territorial Cohesion will not channel initiatives to Adif on behalf of the peoples.
We have been with the "summer snake" over the TAV for a few weeks and with the possibility of linking the "Basque Y" from Pamplona, from Ezkio or Vitoria.
It is disappointing to see that our People continue to depend on decisions concerned and not supported by the galgos and... [+]
In the spring of last year, in Sakana, in Izan and Goierri, flooding was introduced in the municipalities of these areas for the conduct of geological surveys for the works of the TAV. In the canyoning 15 surveys have been requested in the municipalities, from Erro to Olazti /... [+]
Although immersed in an unprecedented eco-social crisis, the administration continues at all costs with the work of the TAV, destroying the territory and squandering the resources essential to social needs. The works of the Castejón Bridge and the Tafalla Campanas subsection,... [+]
Next Saturday, May 11, AHT Gelditu! Navarra organizes in Pamplona the Day against the TAV. In addition, Eco-Socialist Spaces, the World March of Women and the Charter of Social Rights have called a demonstration under the motto For a Dignified Life, A Just Eco-Social... [+]
Abiadura Handiko Trenaren inguruan mintzatu dira zenbait ekintzaile asteazkenean Iruñeko Zabaldin osatu duten hitzaldian. Italiako Val Susa bailarako adibidea bertatik bertara ezagutzeko aukera ere izan dute han sortutako mugimenduaren ordezkari bat etorri delako... [+]