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Dozens of citizens report TAV damage in Lezetxiki and Udalaitz in Arrasate

  • The residents of Arrasate have denounced the damage caused by the High-Speed Train in the cave of Lezetxiki and have asked the institutions to protect the cultural and natural heritage: "Whoever has destroyed the heritage of our people is a project subordinated to the interests of the elites," they explain.
Dozenaka lagun elkarretaratu da Arrasateko udaletxe aurrean (argazkia: Arrasateko Sortu)

06 February 2023 - 10:18
Last updated: 12:02

Since the images that show how a tunnel of TAV works pierced the Lezetxiki cave, concern about the damage that this infrastructure causes to the subsoil has increased among many citizens, as reflected by the concentration of dozens of people in Arrasate on Sunday, the protection of Lezetxiki and its surroundings, the paralysis of the TAV. under the slogan.

During the meeting, besides denouncing the damage caused by the TAV in the cave that retains important prehistoric archaeological remains, they have also denounced the damage produced in the natural and geological environment. They recall that in the area of Udalaitz, the works directly affect biodiversity and natural resources: the Kobate stream was covered and the discharges that reach the Aramaio stream occur frequently; forest cement roads have been opened in the neighborhoods of Gesalibar and Garagartza; and the Bostiturrieta spring "is totally damaged", they stress.

Remember that in the Udalaitz environment works directly affect biodiversity and natural resources

Flooding and damage to springs in 2011

In fact, Adif himself acknowledged in 2011 that he knew that with the works of the TAV of the Monwaukee–Elorrio-Bergara Itinerary of the Bergara link would damage the springs of Bostiturrieta and Abola. In 2010, in tunnels that suffered great floods as the works advanced, "tens of thousands of cubic meters" were blurred to go to Bostiturri: "The spring dried up in practice and was left unused to supply part of the municipality of Arrasate", says the report prepared by Adif for a few days held in Bilbao that year.

In addition, members of the anti-TAV movement note that when the construction of the Karraskain tunnel began in 2010, the promoters knew that the railway line would cross a Lezetxiki gallery.

The Arrasate concentrate denounces the "lack of information" about the works of the TAV: "What happened is an opportunity for the institutions to regain control of the works. Because it is clear what little public information they have transmitted, and this shows that this information was not made public or made public," a citizen explains to Goiena.

Thus, in the final agreement these institutions have been asked to "forever protect our natural, cultural, archaeological and even the geological heritage that has brought us to the plaza today, with effective protection measures".

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