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The Government of Spain has initiated surveys of the TAV route in Aralar

  • The Municipalities of Ataun and Idiazabal have recently received documentation concerning this work. The connecting rail between Pamplona and Ezkio would enter underground in the Lakuntza area and pass through Ataun. It would pass under Altzania, Motasoro and Atxurbi, leaving between Idiazabal and Olaberria towards Ezkio.

23 May 2023 - 08:30
Last updated: 10:11
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Landarlan Environment Association has reported that the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA) has already started the surveys of the High-Speed Train TAV in the Navarra area of Aralar in Sakana. According to these sources, both the municipalities of Navarra and those of Gipuzkoa have received documentation of these works, including Ataun and Idiazabal. He stresses that all information has been obtained from official sources.

According to the Spanish Government, the TAV has two alternatives to connect Navarre with the Basque Y: the first would pass through Vitoria and the second would use the intermodal platform of Ezdox-Itsaso. “The latter would be three times more expensive than the previous one and would also pass through Aralar. According to this route, the railway would enter underground in the area of Lakuntza and cross Ataun from side to side below Altzania, Motasoro and Atxurbi to leave between Idiazabal and Olaberria and reach Ezpied-Itsaso. According to the project, the Ataun railway would be visible in several areas.”

Different perspectives in the CAPV and Navarra

Landarlan denounces that “the PNV has prioritized the Aralar crossing, that is, it has led to Europe the proposal to use the intermodal platform of Ezdox-Itsaso”. The Director of Transport of the Government of Navarra, Berta Miranda (PSN), for her part, denounced in the press that the attitude of the PNV is “irresponsible”, “because today they are waiting to carry out the technical studies to make this section”. Finally, EH Bildu and Podemos have been against this approach and the adequacy of existing railway infrastructures from the outset. “We feel it is important to point out the views of the different parties in the electoral context,” the environmental partnership points out.

The European Union’s Special Report on Transport Infrastructure states that “Landarlan expressed its “contradiction” with the Basque Y, “for its serious lack of sustainability, cost overruns, 30-year delay and lack of social participation”.

Request for cancellation of the APR

Landarlan calls for “the Aralar TAV variant to be abandoned”, “and even the entire TAV project to be abandoned”. “In the face of the uncertainty and the eco-social crisis we suffer, it is not acceptable to waste so much resources and money on an unnecessary megaproject.”

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