The journalist has been summoned to testify for two news broadcasts on January 5 and 13, 2018. For using the term "Basque political prisoner" in this news to refer to the members of the EPPK. "This is the excuse they have used to attack the media on this occasion", denounced the Navarrese journalists according to Topatu.
The Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Spanish National Court will consider whether to continue the case from now on.
For the umpteenth time in the servitude of the Spanish National Court
"Hacer, Hacer Radio, Diario, Ardi Negro, Trabajo, Puertos Abiertos... As the 20th anniversary of the closure of Hacer comes to an end, freedom of expression and freedom of the press continue to be threatened in the Basque Country. But as was emphasized at the time, today we also want to say it out loud: we continue, we continue! ", they said.
It is not the first time that they have opposed this popular media from the structures of the Spanish State. The predecessors of closed the Open Doors by order of the Spanish National Court, which in turn was created after the previous censorship
When the Altsasu youth affair began, the newspaper El Mundo published an article on on the front page of the newspaper entitled "El Gobierno navarro subenciona una web contra la Guardia Civil" (the government of Navarra subsidizes a website against the Guardia Civil).
Osasun artak biltzen ari da Pablo Gonzalez Moskun une honetan. Joan den astean, Poloniako Radomgo segurtasun handiko espetxetik atera zen kazetaria bi urte eta bost hilabeteko preso egon ondoan. Poloniak leporatzen zion espioitza frogatu gabe libre atera da.