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Council: Lose the fear of numbers through proximity

  • Advising projects under the name Aholkuk on numerical issues. The maintenance of daily work in projects generates headaches, and words such as "tax accounting" are also scary... The advisors try to accompany the creation of projects, transmit tranquility through proximity, give points of light for profitability through the tools they know... Well, we have also taken advantage of this article to ask for some advice.
Artikulu hau CC lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

17 February 2021 - 07:45

"The issue of numbers is a pretty complicated one. Some do not understand or do not like it, many times they come nervous and have a blocking point, they can be personal issues... we try to speak normally and bring proximity to clients. And what they're telling us is they're reassuring. During the pandemic they have also had to work as psychologists.

Aholu customers are characterized by smallness: they are small cooperatives, associations or self-employed. "They're all small, because those with a large number of employees put a person in order to keep the numbers up to date." The Aholkus have seen the creation of some of these projects and have collaborated in them: "When they have to start a new project, we try to make travel partners, help them naturally, help them and help them. We carry out a natural pedagogical work: How to make an invoice and how to do things -- many times because they're very lost, because at first they don't control the issue, and there we're really hard to help." Many of the projects that form part of the Olatukoop network of transformative social economy are clients of Aholu: "They're like a core to us."

As a result of the collaboration in network stitching among the youngest, in 2019 they held a festival to celebrate Aholku’s 10th anniversary: they invited customers and several non-client Olatukoop projects. "A very nice atmosphere was created. It's not very common for a consultant to have a party."

Ask for advice

"It's time to be attentive and think about new ideas, maybe you can't do the things that have always been done so far, and that others have to start doing -- be creative, because the market is changing. And be careful, don't get indebted as much as you can, and be careful about the loans that at first cost the money: - We don't have to pay until six months from now! They were telling us. -Yes, but in six months you don't know how you're going to be, so if you don't need it, don't fuck it. It's time to be careful, try to receive the supports that are given, but seeing well what they link to you."

In addition to recommending that you be creative and be careful, Aholab is also giving this advice: "We tell those who have homes for rent to talk to the owners, because it's costing them a lot and you can negotiate things. It depends on the owner, but in the case of the rent of many companies that are our clients, we talk about the owners of many premises. And we tell our customers that they can't work ten hours a day to pay the owner."

Advisors have been pleased to have not lost customers for the time being, but they have assured us that "from now on, we are afraid." Indeed, many of its customers have as their mission the provision of services: "They work with the administration, with subsidies... and we are very concerned about this sector, besides the hospitality industry. To see if they can agree on new projects, to see how the administration works: there will be less money and to see where they are going to take it from. We'll see.

Small cooperative society Aholab

What it does:Labor, accounting and fiscal counseling.

Workers and partners: 3.

Residence: Donostia-San Sebastián.


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