On Tuesday, 22 March, Cathy Xabalgoiti, from the Island of Barkoxe house, Bernadette Prébendé, from Gabadi Bidainia, Jean-Michel Berho de Domintxin, and the Lataillade family, from the Bidaxun duck breed, appeared before the media. "For us," they said, it would have been difficult to raise our heads if our ducks had died. The survival of our villages was at stake and, as far as the Bildoze farm is concerned, the survival of the Kriaxera breed. The OECD has also supported us morally, because in addition to these facts the administration has exerted very strong pressure on us."
The fact is that the Pau prosecutor sued the duck and the ELB trade union of Barkoxe and in the judgment of last December’s judgment they condemned the union to pay a fine of EUR 5,000 plus EUR 2,071. "It is now up to us – farmers have said – to help the OECD at this juncture, and that is why we call on people to work together to raise the large and unjust amounts of the union's condemnation for helping us."
Subsidies can be sent directly to the OECD (headquarters of Ainiza-Monjolos) or to the baserritarras, sending them to their respective farms and delivering them to fairs where they sell kids, these will be in charge of sending the money to the union.
More information on this audio by Irulegi Irratia:
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