The Spanish Public Prosecutor's Office and the company responsible for the work accuse them of the crimes of "organized criminal association" and of "serious crimes of coercion and coercion". In particular, they have called for a sentence of 20 years in prison and EUR 56,000 in prison for the seven citizens of Segi.
On Tuesday morning, the seven defendants in the case of the Baztan Aroztegia project and those who came to show their support appeared before the Pamplona Court. They have convened a demonstration for next weekend, 1 February, in Pamplona/Iruña. Do not criminalise the defence of the land. Stop the carpentry! It will be held under the motto, from 16:00 hours, in front of the courts.
Many gestures of solidarity are being received and buses are being organized from many parts of the Basque Country. Among other things, briefings are being given to spread the case to the four winds.
In the podcast of ARGIA and Egonarria de la Huerta de Vida we invite Garbiñe Elizegi, former mayor of Baztan and one of the people charged for committing a crime against the Carpinteria. You can see the interview and read it here.
La Carpintería de Lekaroz de Baztan is a macro-urban project that comes from the beginning of the century and has the Palacio de Aroztegui S.L., owner of the Palacio de Aroztegui. The 13th century building that the company wants to completely transform and its environment. In the village, which has only 300 inhabitants, it aims to build an urbanization of 228 homes, a luxury hotel in the Hilton chain and a golf course.
In the last decade, although Baztan’s neighbours have been denied since the beginning, it has also been consulted locally, but the progress of the project has intensified. In January 2016, for example, the Government of Navarra of Geroa Bai agreed to approve and advance the urban project, and the General Board of the Baztan Valley immediately rejected the initiative. Mass demonstrations were held.
News stories that were known in May 2016 for having opposed the institutional sphere were investigated and denounced, and the government press said that they would be required to pay compensation of 50,000 euros. Those same people didn't have more news than the press. Statements were taken at the Pamplona/Iruña Court, and the wait lasted for two hours. Finally, there was no alternative but reproaches.
Among others, former mayor Baztan, Garbiñe Elizegi, was acquitted for calling Aroztegi's project "pelotazo". But the company that promoted the urban project filed an appeal against Elizegi. The case reached the Spanish Supreme Court, and Elizegi was right by the Supreme Court. The mayor of Baztan, Joseba Otondo, also had to testify before the judge on several occasions, as the company repeatedly denounced the two defendants.
Excavators in Lekaroz
In the spring of 2018, after obtaining all the permits and visas by the Government of Navarra, the citizens warned that the works of the Aroztegia project would begin at any time. The company Palacio de Arozteguía launched the procedures and awarded the construction of the hotel to the luxury hotel chain Hilton.
In April 2021, excavators arrived in the lands of Lekaroz to cause destruction, and the citizens launched the attack on the project, the Gazte Asanblada and the Carpentry of Baztan. convened by the platform. "We don't want companies that put economic interest above all well-being in the lands of Baztan," they said in a note to ARGIA.
The camp started on 16 April and until 28 April the fights with the excavators and the police have taken place. Finally, the excavators dispersed and the neighbors celebrated the victory and ended the camp. Garazi Zabaleta interviewed two people who participated in the camp that took place in Argia.
From camping to the streets. The citizens who continued to press called for the project to be put to a definitive halt, as they hoped that some protesters would be called to testify. Petitions for a fine of EUR 20,000 came shortly afterwards, and citizens started a fundraising campaign.
However, in the last two or three years an alternative way has been opened in the courts: The construction of the carpentry urbanization began unlawfully by the company. However, this path has not gone any further. The other case has had a longer series: Seven Baztan neighbours have been sentenced to 20 years in prison and to EUR 56,000 for organizing the camp "as a criminal group".
These seven people, who were scheduled to be tried in February, have called for the demonstration on 1 February, but the trial will be postponed this month.
Estitxu Eizagirre wrote this week an analysis on the subject in ARGIA.
Aroztegia proiektuaren kontrako protesta baketsuetan parte hartzeagatik ezarritako zigorrari aurre egiteko diru-bilketa abiaraziko dutela iragarri du herri kolektiboak.
Elkartasunez, hamarnaka herritar elkartu dira Nafarroako Auzitegiaren aitzinean, "herri baten borondatea ezin da epaitu" banderola plazaratuz.