“To buy the cider we had a lot of money. So we decided to gather fourteen people together, create a cooperative and buy it from each other,” says Torres. In June of last year Eztibeltza was founded and at the end of August the shearing was purchased. The Baztan’s only sewer also had a very special story. Larraldea was founded 30 years ago and since 1995 was part of its organic production. “Lekaroz was one of the first to make organic cider in the Basque Country.” Honey has taken over: current production is mixed and although apples are not treated, certification is half.
There are three employees: Xabi Torres, Oianko Garde and Marijo Indabere. However, they operate under a wide network: “We have a lot of people around us, as the subtitle of our logo says, because this is “made in auzolan.”
This year they filled the kupelas with cider made with the Baztanese apple. “The cider has no land, but we have managed to get an apple enough to deal with people in the area. We have located the apples in disuse and have met with their owners.” In Elizondo, Irurita, Arizkun and Azpilicueta the apples have been gathered in auzolan.
The cooperative, for its part, has a small plot of approximately one hectare, in which one hundred apples of native varieties have been planted. “They come from the houses here and there are in total 26 varieties of the Baztan.” Genetic and organoleptic tests are being conducted to differentiate them from currently registered varieties. “It will be the process of characterizing the apple heritage here. Let’s see if we turn the Baztan Valley into a river and a river.”
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