The Taliban have taken five other cities in Afghanistan, where they have begun to repopulate Athens. Ghazni, Qala-e-Naw and Herat, the third largest city in the country, have been the first to be conquered. The U.S. Department of Defense, through The Washington Post, has announced the recent occupation of South Lashkar Gah and the second largest city, Kandahar.
The governor of the Ghazni region, Dawood Laghman, has been arrested shortly after arriving in the area under the control of the Afghan Government, suspected of having assisted the jihadists. The rebels have confirmed that the governor has received the "security permit" to flee to Kabul, and several authorities have denounced that Laghman has reached an agreement with the Taliban to deliver the land. Berria has collected this data from the agency Tolonews.
It is expected that the Taliban will be able to isolate Kabul within one month, and that control can be carried out within approximately two or three months. The U.S. Department of Defense said in June that jihadists could take six to twelve months to occupy the Feudo area. In view of the latest developments, the Afghan Government wishes to reach an agreement: In the Doha talks, Obama has proposed to them "distribute power."
Najia Anwari, a member of the Kabul negotiating group, has called for a plan to share competences: “The goal is to discuss it in the peace talks to reach a political agreement to end this devastating war.” The Taliban, for their part, have refused to receive any proposal from the government, even though they are in favour of ‘negotiation’.
President Biden announced on 14 April that he was going to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan. In the face of the new situation, Kabul has asked the US Department of Defense to maintain air protection, but they have refused, according to spokesman John Kirby, because these aids are "not viable". However, the United States will send 3,000 more soldiers to Kabul to evacuate its embassy members from the conflict zone.
The rebels have taken thirteen cities in the Afghan regions in the last week, according to the Afghan media DW. In total, they control between 60 and 85 per cent of the country, and have at their disposal more than 200 districts, three airports and numerous border crossing points.
Gudarako droneen teknologian milioika dolarreko inbertsioak egin ostean, “historiako aire kanpaina zehatzena” iragarri zuen Barack Obama, AEBetako presidenteak. 2014tik gaur arte Pentagonoak bildutako dokumentuak aztertuta, ordea, “aire guda hau inteligentzia... [+]
We arrived in Urueña surrounded by walls when we traveled through the vast and arid land of the province of Valladolid. It's a town as small as it's curious. Although it does not have 200 inhabitants, there are eight bookstores, a literary museum and a corner of known stories... [+]