On Thursday morning, British Immigration Control Service agents arrested two people in Afghanistan in the Pollokshield district in southern Glasgow. When they were taken to a van with the intention of deporting them, about 200 people moved to the site to block the road and stop the operation in the area.
For seven hours, hundreds of protesters, yelling "leave our neighbors in peace" and "the police outside the neighborhood", surrounded the place furgoneta.En there were signs in favor of refugees and a man entered under the van to prevent it from moving. A large group of police gathered there.
Finally, under pressure, the Police decided to release the two men: "British immigration services have taken an operational decision to liberate detained men and return them to their community for the time being."He said he has done so with the aim of "ensuring the safety, public health and well-being" of those who have participated in the detention and protest.
The police and the Ministry of the Interior have not wanted to provide data on detainees, but the director of the Afghan Foundation for Human Rights, Mohammad Asif, has explained that these are Afghans fueled by "British and American bombs." According to the Ministry of the Interior, the two men were arrested "for the alleged commission of a migration crime."
Scotland's President, Nicola Sturgeon, has said that she is "very concerned" about the action of the Interior Ministry. The arrests have also taken place in the constituency where the elections are held. "My services are conducting an emergency investigation and are prepared to provide the necessary cooperation to the detainees," he said.
Huge cheer when the men were released after eight hours in the back of the Home Office van #KenmureStreet pic.twitter.com/TaBsIeO5Mn
— Andrew Learmonth (@andrewlearmonth) May 13, 2021
Never have I been prouder to live in this wonderful community. #kenmurestreet pic.twitter.com/CPusTnyXlQ
— Eileen ReidBoulter (@ReidEileen)1 May 13, 2021
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