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Taliban say they will form an "inclusive" government in Afghanistan

  • The rebels have announced that they have organized several meetings with former members of the Government in order to achieve a peaceful transfer of power. The United Nations has called on all actors to "respect and facilitate" the will of citizens who want to leave Afghanistan in the White House.

17 August 2021 - 11:02
Last updated: 13:05
Afganistango ehunka biztanlek AEBetako hegazkin militar batean sartzea lortu zuten Kabul talibanen eskuetan erori ostean. Argazkia: Defense One/Reuters

Although there is no concrete information, the Taliban are progressively expanding the data on the form of government they are going to organise in Afghanistan. The insurgents and the Government of Afghanistan, which fled, have met to arrive, supposedly, at an agreed government proposal.

Former President of the country, Hamid Karzai, the leader of the negotiating group, Abdullah Abdullah, and the leader of the Hezb-e-Islami party, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar met at the meeting on Monday. In the video, disseminated through social networks, the two parties emphasized that the conversation was "fruitful", as EiTB has gathered. On Sunday, the Afghan authorities announced the creation of a Coordination Committee to "restore peace and the everyday life of Kabul" and now seek to enable a transfer of "peaceful" powers.

More meetings are expected in the capital by Tuesday, but the decisions taken will not be made public in the media. This has been announced by sources from the public television network The Associated Press. Enamullah Samangani, chairman of the Taliban cultural commission, has told the press that the command will be Islamic, but will involve all parties. Rebel spokesman Suhail Shaheen has insisted on the idea that the Afghan Government will be "inclusive" in the EU. At the top, for the time being, the Taliban leader Hibatullah Akhundzada is the most likely to become the country’s ruler, according to El País.

International response

Despite the alleged indications of cooperation, citizens and the international community fear the intervention of the Taliban. Last Monday the UN held its first working meeting in Afghanistan on how to act in that country. In it, they called on all actors to "respect and facilitate the will of foreigners and Afghans who want to leave the country". Some 60 countries unanimously signed the communiqué and called on the forces that have occupied Afghanistan to keep roads, airports and borders open. Mometuz, the diplomats in Afghanistan and the foreign citizens are the ones who have priority in order to get out of there.

Kabul airport is the main evacuation area. On Monday, shortly after the Taliban came to power, several citizens tried to get to the place to flee the country, which is still unknown. As a result of the incidents, several deaths were recorded in the area, including several. At first, Reuters reported five deaths, but the BBC reported seven deaths: there were people storms to get on the planes, U.S. military dropped shots in the air and some of those who wanted to escape, grabbing the wings of the planes, fell to the ground as the planes took off.

Justification by Joe Biden

After being there since 2001, the US military began to leave Afghanistan in May of that same year. Joe Biden now justifies his decision to abandon the war: “U.S. troops should not participate in the war that Afghan forces did not want to fight.” In addition, Biden has taken away responsibility for the situation in Asia. In his view, the goal of sending the military “was not to build a democratic nation, but to fight terrorism.”

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