The demonstration, organized by the collective Dinners Solidarias de la Calle KAS, started on October 27 in the Donostiarra district of Egia and ended in front of the City Hall under the slogan No to the prohibition of solidarity. The City Hall of Donostia-San Sebastian banned solidary dinners on October 23, claiming "security problems". As stated by the Naiz media, the following cries were heard during the demonstration: “Racism and capitalism, criminal alliance”, “Eneko Goia is the slave of fascism”, “Goia gives your mattress” and “Euskal Herria is the host people”.
Irutxuloko Hitza has taken up the words of the organizers of the demonstration in Bilbao. According to them, “the fact that the following day the City Hall joins the demands of the fascists provokes a reactionary attitude”. They require the City Hall to change its objective: “It is time to stop pointing out proletarians and migrants as enemies and to start pointing out as enemies the agents responsible for structural poverty and migration.” In the final intervention of the demonstration they have also called for the necessary means to be put in place: “Stop punishing proletarian migrants and ban solidarity and start putting the means to end poverty and fascism.”
Prohibition of solidary dinners
Since October 23, the Donostiako Kale Afari Solidarioa (KAS) group has been unable to give daily meals in the Egia district. The agents communicated it verbally to the organization on the night of 23 October. They were informed that they had no authorization and that it was a decision of the City Council of San Sebastian. On October 21, a group of neighbors concentrated on the spot to distribute the food and ask for “safety.” Among the concentrates were the three pp councillors in the City Hall of Donostia-San Sebastián. The Ertzaintza identified at that time several members of the Ertzaintza who had been in favour of offering solidary dinners. On the morning of October 23, Donostia-San Sebastian Councilor for Citizen Security, Martín Ibabe, called the protests "a unique and exclusive security problem in the area" to ban dinners. KAS replied that he would continue to give dinners.