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AEK presents the documentary "Bultza euskaltegiak! Drive the Basque!" dynamic start-up

  • One more year, to "make known the importance of the Euskaldunization movement", the Basque Country Bultza of AEK. Drive the Basque! It will set in motion the so-called dynamic. The Euskaltegis network has launched a campaign to raise funds to cover the economic losses caused by the plague epidemic this year. The dynamic also includes other initiatives.

25 February 2021 - 10:16
Argazkia: Amaia nauzue

AEK recalled that "55% of the population of Euskal Herria is Castellanoparlante. If we dream of an egalitarian society, it is clear that we need to euskaldunify adult citizenship because it is a bridge to guarantee the rights of all and all." For this reason, AEK has stressed the need for strong Euskaltegis, arguing that over 45,000 people are learning Euskera in this way, also in this extraordinary course, caused by the pandemic.

This process of Euskaldunisation has a cost for AEK and as this year Korrika is not going to be organised, it needs other sources of funding. That is why the programme "Bultza euskaltegiak! Drive the Basque!" Launched the campaign:

Three-axis dynamics

This year’s dynamic will revolve around three axes: the letter to the three administrations, the Euskaltegi Bultza! events and euskaltegis Bultza! Drive the Basque! Make your contribution to the campaign.

The first is to send a letter to the main administrations of the Basque Country, setting out the conditions that the Euskaldunization movement must have in the coming years and warning of the importance of adult literacy and Euskaldunization.

Second, on March 28, several spaces in the Basque Country will host "simple" acts with the aim of "the Basque witness, the impulse to the centers of Euskera, is on the street". At the moment, 45 seats have been joined and the events will be held at 12:00 on 28 March, when the Korrika normally had to end.

Finally, the Euskaltegi Bultza! Drive the Basque! They have also launched the Make your contribution campaign, which will run until the end of March. In fact, the institution has pointed out that Korrika's delay has caused "a hole" in the career budget. In addition to initiatives for the promotion of the Basque country, AEK has launched a funding line for AEK, which this year needs the support of the citizens.

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