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AEK launches a registration campaign focused on the desire for citizenship

  • "Following the desire shown by thousands of people, we have highlighted the word EUSKARA in the graphic media of the campaign, putting the Basque country at the centre, within everyone's reach, so that the largest number of citizens turn to the Euskaltegis," AEK members explain in the presentation of the registration campaign. The course starts in October.

02 September 2022 - 11:13
Bilbon aurkeztu du matrikulazio kanpaina AEK-k.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Five will be the options for learning Euskera in AEK: Euskaltegis, classroom groups, self-learning in Euskaltegi and home, model combined with classroom classes and self-learning, online courses and Barnetegi of Forua in the Urdaibai biosphere reserve.


Enrollment continued to increase in recent years; the pandemic declined somewhat, of course, but we have also seen in the last two years that citizens’ concern for learning and improving Euskera continues to exist, and thanks to the efforts of students and teachers, complying with the protection measures of each moment, we have made progress in the process of Euskaldunization. We have done the usual courses with thousands of people with great success. In addition, last year the figures increased again, and we firmly believe that the next school year will bring more citizens closer to Euskaltegis. Following the desire shown by thousands of people, we have highlighted the word EUSKARA in the graphic media of the campaign, placing the Basque in the centre, within the reach of all, so that the largest number of citizens turn to the Euskaltegis.

The Basque courses will have the best fellow citizens, the AEK teachers, so that the student advances in the learning process and knows and uses the Basque language with a lot of passion. The professionalism and enthusiasm of the faculty.

On the other hand, we would like to point out that many entities (municipalities, parliamentarians, municipalities, government and government of Navarra...) grant subsidies. In the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, the process up to B2 is free, if the level is proven. This year the possibilities have been extended to level C1, in this case for children under 30. In Navarre, this year aid has increased slightly, and in Iparralde there is also a line to learn Basque. We think it is very important that the public should be aware of these possibilities, because they are an essential element in getting closer to the Basque country, to the Euskaltegis.

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