The US army has carried out targeted bombings in the city of Deir no Zor, according to a statement by the United States Unified Command USCENTCOM against groups established in the area that protects the Iranian regime. The attack took place early on Wednesday.
SOHR (Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights) is a non-governmental organization that confirms the attack. He assures that at least three missiles were launched and also destroyed some of the facilities used as a storage area by armed groups in the area of Iran. The United Nations has also called for restraint from the United States: “Of course, we are aware of these air strikes. Our concern is that the nature of the situation in the region is very variable, and our call is common to all the actors involved in Syria, to moderate and avoid escalation.”
The bombing has been a response to the aggression received on 15 August, according to USCENTCOM: “The aim is to defend and support U.S. forces, such as attacks on Americans from groups protected by Iran on 15 August.” In addition, they highlighted in the declaration that EE.UU. bombing "in proportionate and deliberate measures" to limit the risk of escalation and minimise the risk to the victims.
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